Show Check Ins
Charity Show: The Yellow Boat
Director: Abbey M
Started rehearsing- it has been an absolute delight
Had a blip with rooms Saturday (it was my fault) but Olivia in OB let us the SAC Dance Room (endless thanks)
Everything has been so collaborative and creative
Had cast bonding at TA Event- planning more ASAP
Planning a cast bonding where we makes cards to donate to Boston Children’s patients or something of the sort
Finding a chunk of time for a weekly creative team meeting/check in
So excited to have a full team (welcome Ece!)
Went to our tech meeting today- so excited to have our techies
AD: Maddie R
At recruitment rn BUT last week was so great
Had our first week of rehearsals
Got to block my first scene (!!!!)
We’re in the process of planning more cast bondings
TD: Sarah F
Had first tech meeting, went well, touched base with everyone
Went to space and looked through flats and paints - no wood order needed
Getting in touch with sound team, adding aspects to it
Having department meetings this week
SM: Kitty L
Scheduling has been adjusted
Emails have been sent
Producer: Ece Y
Waiting on Chrissy for budget notes
Director: Matt D
Had first read through
Met w/ Lena about schedules
Tried to organize cast bonding, only one cast member showed up, still fun!!
TD: Priya P
Sent TD email with dates to everyone
Touched based with Nhi
Went to first read through
Working on set design
SM: Lena J
Found out mispronouncing Medea
Did scheduling
Sending out email tonight with future rehearsal schedule
Producer: Sean D and Sage H
Have group chats with producers
Finding time to meet up
Directors: Evan P and Carrie W
Have Lucas (Dash)
First read-through and rehearsals this week
Blocked several scenes
Working on incorporating scenes
Almost fully blocked 2 group numbers
Cast working incredibly hard
Have music rehearsals this week
Choreographer: Michele O
Finished majority of choreo for one number
Looking to start some more this week
TD: Katie G
Went to read through
Wrote email with important dates
Met with ATD this morning
Has first tech meeting next week
Finalizing set design and tech drive
SM: Katie H
Worked on scheduling and blocking
Producers: Marion C and Juliette H
No check in at present time
Eboard Check Ins
President: Kim
Talked with If/Then directors about a cast member who dropped
Emailing with Isa about Special Project proposal
Held 2 division of power talks, working on third
Reached out to other group Presidents for audition feedback, decided to discuss at Summit
TA event
Tech show
VP: Siena
Forgot to mention last week that I made sure the theatre was in order before the fire marshal visited. I found a bunch of starburst wrappers in the rows, not sure what that was about?
Booked Self Care Sunday room (yay!)
TA event 😈
VPSP: Devon
TA Event happened
Assassins has been going
Still working on Capture the Flag with other groups
BUSTies signups close in a week
Put up shirt order
Tech Show
Communicated with Isa and Kim about proposal
Treasurer: Chrissy
Announced head producers
Made assistant app and sent it out
Assigned producing teams
Submitted for Warren posters (Yellow Boat submitted for the 24th)- we are approved for YB and on the waitlist for the other two shows
Secretary: Abbey
At Mean Girls rn but sending my love
Made FB event for TA Event and Tech Show
Sent out Statements of Expectations to spring SMs and TDs
Sent email re: casting call, tech, TA Event
Promoted If/Then’s casting call
Went to TA Event- chaotic and a blast
PSYCHED for Tech Show
TA: Zach
Tech Show rehearsal and move-in
Sent out tech list
Went to tech meeting
Picked up shaving cream from SAO for TA event
TA Event- did lights and taught techies lights and sounds