Coordinated with Doug about If/Then score
Sent Kendall stuff
Posted holiday hits
Updated all minutes
TD/SM apps
Tech show signups
Busties voting
Natalie will add note about renaming charity show
Charity show announcement
Sending it 12/28/20
Natalie’s meeting with Sage
Sage will be updating the script, but it looks good
Will adjust it to take place over Zoom
Discussed how she wants to reformat
Gave her a timeline for rewriting - all final changes done by Jan 18th
When we add other creative team members they’ll have some input
Talked about trigger warning - will make sure an Eboard member sits in on discussion and ensures that all actors and crew will be comfortable
Charity Show Discussion
Isa made a super cool doc about our plan for rebranding!
Designated producer who corresponds with organization
Can we get producers sooner rather than later? :)
Splash 2.0
We must register by January 27th!! (Kendall)