Eboard Check-Ins
Got Engage privileges back!!!
Call with Kristen about acting workshop
Nothin to report!
Coordinating charity show stuff
Working on her own mainstage stuff
Sent out Producer forms
Event request for charity show
Waiting for official mainstage rights
But pre-approved for streaming
Have to register for officer training
Signed us up for Splash 2.0
Posted Holiday performance
Put out TD and SM applications, posting about that
Pushed deadline back to Jan 23rd
Got fall tech feedback
Working on tech show stuff, facebook group
The student theater is pretty cleared out now
First GM is Jan 31st
Auditions February 2nd, 3rd, 4th
Natalie’s Mainstage
Format of the show → Zoom webinar, we have the rights!!
When will we be getting scripts?
Sunny will check up on that, probably as soon as they’re approved
Tech Show
February 19th and 20th at 8PM
Name Submissions for Charity Show
Community Benefit Show
Community Partnership Production
STAP - Stage Troupe Action Project
CAP - Community Action Project
ST4G - Stage Troupe for Good
Elements of Theater Workshops
Kristen -
February 1 - 6PM EST
She’s super excited!!!
Basic structure:
Getting sides/monologues in the moment, figuring out how to do that quickly
Talk about her background
Acting side, strategies for developing a character, scene partners, exercises
Q&A/presentation/interactive exercises
Already Home Check-In
Everyone is KILLING IT!!!!
Coming a long way with the difficult format
Tech Crew Feedback
Don’t need the full normal budget for virtual shows
Tech Week - condensed into a day or two before the show
People prefer to have a full week, so they feel more connected to the show, meet the cast, have some more time to work things out, etc
Ticket Pricing
Charity Show - $6, $8 family ticket
Gorges Motel - rights application range of $5-8
Not sure how to separate between BU/non-BU
$5 for BU students, $7 for outside people
Group ticket?
$5 / $7 / $9 incremental
Honor system :)
Gorges Motel
A little bit of a budget for Goodwill stuff
Something small for the light show at the end of the play
Pull in anything for more of a set design?
Regardless it’ll be maybe $100, probably less
Budget for shipping things with LfA maybe
WWN lists will be sent out soon
Check Outs
Revisit charity show rebrand info
We should communicate that info to Sage
Make Zoom links for Elements of Theater sessions
And descriptions to give to Kendall - joint doc
Already Home stuff
Write up draft mentorship program timeline
Look through Charity Show names
Get address for MTI scripts
Sage and Charity show stuff
Assassins stuff to run by us
Look through Charity Show names
Reach out to SAO to add tickets to Eventbrite and formally submit Gorges Motel stuff
Reach out to Kendall about officer training
Producer signups
Look through Charity Show names
Help out with Elements of Theater stuff
Get started on semester branding and season stuff
Post about signups
Send out WWN lists
Work on tech application for the spring
Tech show stuff
Look through Charity Show names