Open Board 12/6/20
Eboard Check-Ins
Went to holiday hits!
Worked on Already Home
Went to holiday hits
Coordinated holiday hits
Encouraged Charity Show pitches
MisCast stuff
Picked up props and costumes from people post Inspo project
Went to Holiday hits
GM recap email
Picked up props/costumes from people post Inspo project
Went to Holiday hits
Sent out tech list for already home
Already Home Updates
Blocked every scene
75% of music covered
Next week: 80%
2 acting/music runs tonight and Tuesday
Finishing out one of the groups this week
Charity Show
Natalie will look through Sage’s pitch, have that decision by this weekend!
Going to meet with Sage too
Rebranding?? Is this still on the table for us to do this year?
Structural changes - renaming, creating more volunteer opportunities
Check Outs
Brainstorm charity show
Check in with Carrie about sending If/Then scripts back
Thinkin bout charity show
Busties voting will come out this week!!!
MisCast is on Friday!!!
Will send holiday hits footage to Kendall
Follow up with Rob re: reimbursements for Carrie
Will look through Producer stuff for charity show options
Post holiday hits footage
Brainstorm for Charity Show
Find missing producer guide????
Possibly send busties voting reminder as an email