E-Board Check Ins
Writing Workshop!
Mentorship program stuff
Inspo project communication
Division of power talks
Signed up for one acts
Assisted with Mask Making
Writing Workshop
Division of Power
Figuring out one acts rehearsal schedule
Brainstorm Haunted House ideas
Got playscripts account set up
Posted cast lists for one acts
Youtube channel stuff
Writing workshop and mask making events and posts
Went to writing workshop
Division of power talks
Posted about Mask making things
Had Mask Making!!!
Open Board
Inspiration Project Updates
Producer for Team 1?
Sage, Rob, Devon?
Sunny will send Sage the form and see if she’s interested
Vision statements are due October 10th
Push auditions to Oct 26th-28th
Kendall send out an email to let teams know
Haunted House Ideas
Troupe Halloween Bash!
First book club discussion
Short horror film collection!!
Amy Adams Death Club - funny play
We make a Haunted House and film a POV walking through
Student Vote
Post about it and include it in the next email!!
Mask Making Update
14ish people came!!
People were wondering about future sewing workshops?
Make some posts about it
Facebook marketplace perhaps ?
Sunny will think about an order system!
In person events ? need to let SAO know
What else could we make?
Tote bags
Little pillows
Parsnip stuffed animal
Stage troupe membership cards
Mentorship Project Updates
Had 3 new members fill out the form!! Assigned to mentors
Response rate has been awesome!
Musical Movie Night
Escape Room Night
Game Night
Probably on weeknights
Already Home Update
A little low on guys
About 17 performance submissions
Tech and producing submissions
M o n d a y m e e t i n g
just keep it all on stagetroupevideographer doe!
SARP Training for Creative Teams
For anyone who hasn’t been trained yet