Show Check-Ins:
Tech Show
SM: Marcella M.
Jesse is organizing tech meetings during rehearsals—TBD; will be sure to be there for that
Read through was very fun
Charity Show: The Burials
Directors: Sean D. and Aisha S.
Auditions went great
One actor dropped the show—working on filling the role
TD: Brian R.
Talked to Alicia about different scene settings
Making progress on projection planning
Setting up materials for tech crew
Looking forward to Tech Meeting tomorrow
Producers: Devon M. and Lena M.
Planing headshots/photoshoot
working on a graphic for stickers, shirts, etc.
Will talk to Chrissy re: paperwork for Everytown
Noises Off
Director: Taylor H.
Met with Alicia to go over set elements, door placement, for blocking purposes
Started blocking
Prepared callback materials
Allocated responsibilities with ADs
Talked with Kendall about promoting the show off-campus
Matt will join for auditions
Can’t be at auditions on Tuesday until closer to 7 and cannot be there after 7 on Wednesday—working with ADs to organize auditions; will make announcement at GM
TD: Katie L.
Reading through the script and making note of tech elements
Creative team meeting on Sunday to discuss set design and props, which will be introduced into rehearsals as early as possible
Attending Tech Meeting tomorrow
Planning on starting to have department meetings starting next week—super excited!
Producer: Kendall G.
Excited about 3 assistants—reaching out to them tonight to arrange a meeting for the week
Full creative team meeting went really well
Trying to meet with Taylor, Emilee, and Siena to talk about creative vision
Met with Chrissy
SM: Matthew D.
Rehearsal schedule nearly finalized; should be able to send it out by tonight
Director: James R.
Had first read-through on Saturday—cast is amazing, very excited
Met with Abbey to discuss rehearsal schedule (short- and long-term)
First rehearsal tomorrow
Met with Chynna and Rachel on Saturday to discuss producing ideas
Met with Erin and Alicia to talk about various tech elements
Looking forward to tech meeting
MD: Doug B.
Finished all learning tracks
Working on click track for entire show
Pit nearly filled out
Musical callback cuts have been selected and prepared
Hoping for extra pipe and drape to surround pit backstage (Alicia: if we don’t have pipe and drape available, we can make barriers out of set pieces, blankets, etc.)
AD: Amanda R.
Collecting lots of research for each individual role: finished last night and made accessible to people to prepare for auditions
Blocking 3 scenes—did research to prepare
Choreographer: Kim Z.
Auditions went well (dance callback was super fun!)
Attended read-through; cast is amazing—can’t wait to work with them
TD: Erin C.
Met with James and went through script and score thinking about tech elements
Will tape out the set plan on the floor in 700 Beacon
Tech meeting tomorrow and a TD meeting this week
Will talk with producers about working with SPS
Producers: Chynna B. and Rachel R.
Very productive meeting with James and Mandy
Working on a rough marketing timeline
Went over individual focuses
Will reach out to assistant producers to set up a meeting
E-Board Check-Ins:
President: Alba
Ran auditions and callbacks, then mediations and negotiations for casting
Opened the Space for OB to have their tech meeting
Received an email from Erin from SAO—will find a good available time to meet
We need one more elective training to fulfill Troupe’s requirements—Alicia volunteered
Setting up meetings with creative teams to go over
Office hours will now only be on Mondays from 12-2 PM
VP: Erin
Ran auditions
Created callback schedules for people called for multuple shows/grows
Talked to people from WM and SS for feedbcak on joint holding rooms
Devon has Student Theater next weekend for The Burials
VPSP: Ariana
Helped run auditions
Preparing for TA Event: Alicia’s Amazing Aquatic Adventure
Made TA Event Facebook Event cover photo; sent to Kim
Officially has two event managers for BUSTies and currently looking for assistants, which is super exciting! Still also looking for hosts and seniors who want to be roasted
BUT Formal: Wandering Minds and Shakespeare Society not keen on moving the event off-campus; Wandering Minds suggested looking at alternative dates
New shirt order link is finally live until the 17th—will share in Facebook group
Sharing SM advice with Harrison
Treasurer: Chrissy
Helped run auditions and callbacks
Had a head producer workshop
Sending out a message tonight to all the producing teams
Announced assistant producers—great teams all around
Received confirmation for The Burials payment; waiting to hear from rights company to make sure they received it
All Eventbrites and Orgsync events are approved and live
Waiting to hear MA MTI rep for new contract for Assassins with full reference score
Dropping off money from assassins at SAO (probably tomorrow)
Making promo materials for tech show
Still working on communicating with SAO re: reimbursement process
Secretary: Kim
Contacted directors with information about the audition, callback, and casting week process
Very busy with Assassins auditions, callbacks, and casting all week
Posted and sent out callback lists and cast lists
Published Tech Meeting FB Event
TD: Alicia
Assigned SMs and TDs!
Met with SMs to talk about expectations for the process and go over information
Met with James and Erin about Assassins tech needs
Met with tech contact for VagMo and sent a rental agreement
Helped run auditions
Opened up tech form; closes Tuesday
Scheduling Tech Show rehearsals for the week; met wit hJesse on Thursday to go over tech things. Super excited!
Space is fixed; hopefully we won’t have any further issues
Marcella M:
Class Gift Committee looking to see if Stage Troupe is interested in performing on Giving Day—possibly Assassins