Show Check-Ins:
Charity Show: The Burials
Directors: Sean D. and Aisha S.
Prepared all the audition material
Blocked a few scenes
Met with producers to talk about design and promotion
Met with SM to split up roles as co-directors
TD: Brian R.
Reviewing script, noting technical elements
Meeting with directors before GM
Looking forward to getting tech lists and diving in
Noises Off
Director: Taylor H.
Met with Alicia to go over set elements, door placement, for blocking purposes
Started blocking
Prepared callback materials
Allocated responsibilities with ADs
Talked with Kendall about promoting the show off-campus
Matt will join for auditions
Can’t be at auditions on Tuesday until closer to 7 and cannot be there after 7 on Wednesday—working with ADs to organize auditions; will make announcement at GM
AD: Emilee M.
Really excited!
TD: Katie L.
Started reading script
Meeting soon to discuss tech elements
Director: James R.
MD: Doug B.
Finished all learning tracks
Working on click track for entire show
Pit nearly filled out
Musical callback cuts have been selected and prepared
Hoping for extra pipe and drape to surround pit backstage (Alicia: if we don’t have pipe and drape available, we can make barriers out of set pieces, blankets, etc.)
AD: Amanda R.
Collecting lots of research for each individual role: finished last night and made accessible to people to prepare for auditions
Blocking 3 scenes—did research to prepare
Choreographer: Kim Z.
Working on a cut for dance/movement callback
TD: Erin C.
Meeting with James and Alicia to go through tech elements
Received tech folder on Google drive from James
“I’m excited!!!!!”
Producer: Chynna B.
Getting familiar with show material
Meeting with Rachel this week to brainstorm ideas and discuss roles as co-producers
E-Board Check-Ins:
President: Alba
Met with Mac on Thursday to finish up casting week conversation
Went to Splash 2.0
Went to first tech show read through
Filled out GM slide
Will be contacting SMs to schedule times to meet with creative teams to give division of power talks (after auditions)
Helping to run auditions, callbacks, and casting
Approached by Marcella: Class Gift has asked Assassins to perform at Giving Day: April 4th
VP: Erin
Joined Assassins team as TD
Ready for auditions
Went to Tech Show read-through
VPSP: Ariana
Went to Splash 2.0
Went to tech show read-through
Talked to Chrissy about collecting Assassins payments; writing an email with the rules to send to participants; game will start after midnight
Organizing TA Event and working with The Burials directors
Still looking for BUSTies hosts
Still looking for a venue for BUT Formal
Someone brought up doing Relay For Life as a Troupe event
Treasurer: Chrissy
Went into SAO to work out MTI contract for Assassins—emailing MA rep, Brett, for an invoice and updated, filled-out contract
Heard from a number of people that still haven’t received reimbursements; figuring out the status on those—especially those that have already been approved
Spoke to SAO event staff re: approving the Noises Off Orgsync event
Finished submission for Noises Off and Assassins Eventbrites
Scheduled head producer workshop for Monday; will have separate meeting after with Devon and Lena to go over Charity Show specifics and fundraising ideas
Received confirmation on the Charity Show Warren poster reservation—now all three shows have the capability to use it should they want to
Reached out to SAO for confirmation on The Burials payment—check was sent and they should be receiving/ should have already received it; sent follow up email to the rights company for The Burials to confirm payment
Completely updated the producer guide and sent to head producers
Contacted Pavement about their annual donation to Troupe
Determined budgets and made budget spreadsheets for each show—sending to the head producers
Secretary: Kim
Made and promoted Facebook Events for GM #1 and auditions
Posted reminders about Splash 2.0 on social media accounts
Sent out an email with event reminders
Corresponding with lots of potential new members, which is exciting!
Made new flyers and new Splash 2.0 poster
Contacted directors with information about Splash 2.0 and GM #1
Made GM #1 presentation template and shared
Went to Splash 2.0 and hosted Instagram Q & A which went surprisingly well!
TD: Alicia
Assigned TDs and SMs
Meeting with TDs and SMs to listen to their expectations and to go over questions
Had Tech Show meeting
Met with Noises Off creative team
Finished up the new tech form
Going to the Space to deal with a leak
Helping run auditions, callbacks, casting
Meeting with James and Erin