Show Check-Ins:
Charity Show: The Burials
Director: Sean D.
Concern: main piece of set is a projection screen which can significantly alter set design depending on screen size and projector
Heard that SAO/SPS will cover cost of renting projector and screen as needed
Going through blocking and preparatory work with Aisha
Noises Off - not at E-Board
Director: James R.
Team was super busy over break
Most of the show is blocked save for two scenes and Amanda’s scenes
Meeting with Amanda later this week; she has been working really hard on research and planning
Lots of preparation work for SM, tech, and producing teams, including vision and wants/wishes/needs for Alicia; left everything open-ended to give tech team more creative freedom
Really looking forward to getting a tech team and working with them
Audition and callback cuts are prepared
Planning an alternative audition so people can choose to sing or not sing
MD: Doug B.
Finished all learning tracks
Working on click track for entire show
Pit nearly filled out
Musical callback cuts have been selected and prepared
Hoping for extra pipe and drape to surround pit backstage (Alicia: if we don’t have pipe and drape available, we can make barriers out of set pieces, blankets, etc.)
Choreographer: Kim Z.
Had long meeting with James to go through all dance and movement throughout the show; lots of ideas and inspiration
Started working on larger dance/movement numbers
Picked a piece for movement callback
E-Board Check-Ins:
President: Alba
Talked with other presidents to confirm GM room and times
Participated in SAO focus group
Communicating with Mac to prepare for audition week and casting
SPLASH 2.0—have to decide which four will attend
Participating in Tech Show
Troupe won first place in class gift competition!
VP: Erin
Planned audition rooms and sent out spreadsheets and Slack invites
Spoke with other groups about logistics
Talked to building superintendent of Agganis re: repairs
Booked rooms for the season including GM room
Working on booking a space for BUT Formal
Participating in Tech Show
VPSP: Ariana
Did sign-ups for Assassins (the game, not the show) and sent out email with instructions; will collect money at GM #1
Planning TA Event; reaching out to local companies for prize donations (with some success!); talking to Sean and Aisha to get them excited about TA Event
Hosting TA Event with Alicia
Will have sign ups for senior roasts at GM #1
BUT Formal: trying to set a date with Shakespeare Society and Wandering Minds
Smoothing out wrinkles with shirt order link
Thinking ahead on Spring Showcase
Treasurer: Chrissy
Made producer forms and assigned head producers—teams are great; assistant producer apps are now out
Scheduling meeting with producing heads this week to have a head producer workshop to get everyone on the same page
Submitted remaining reimbursements from last semester
All rights payments have been submitted; awaiting confirmation
All Orgsync events for shows are submitted
Spring dues Eventbrite is live; Eventbrites for mainstage shows are in the process
Submitted midyear review
Eric submitted new contract for Assassins (old contract expired)
Submitted all Warren poster reservations; leaving Warren poster decisions up to head producers
Contacted Dean Battaglino to discuss reimbursement process
Participated in SAO focus group
Brainstorming fundraising ideas for Charity Show and in general
Secretary: Kim
Uploaded old minutes
Designed new graphics for social media, including new season banner
Designed new shirts; sent designs and logo files to Ariana
Updated the website for the spring season; started filling out calendar
Created a new site page for audition & callback FAQ
Submitted promotional media to SAO for SPLASH 2.0
Transferred Troupe’s production photo archive from Flickr to new Shutterfly account
Uploaded Fall season production photos, but having trouble with 2018 Summer Show photos—will contact producers
Contacted spring season directors and shared their spotlight posts
Reached out to writing program for information on “The Theater Now” courses
Sent a back-to-school email with reminders for events happening in the first few weeks of the semester
Made Facebook event for GM #1
Communicated with BU Today for photo opportunity; meeting them on Wednesday
Got keys from Erin at board
TD: Alicia
Put out TD and SM application earlier than usual
Having Tech Meeting on Monday after audition week rather than Sunday
Willing Suspensions rentals should have gone through
Sent out emails to TAs outlining the semester; didn’t receive any feedback through feedback forms
Communicating with VagMo TD about tech needs
Tech Show’s tech week matches up with VagMo’s tech week, and Charity Show tech week is during same week of Playwrights’ show
Planning Tech Show—super excited
Missing chairs from the booth
Fixed the tech form to reflect applicants’ concerns