E-Board Check-Ins:
President: Alba
Went to president theater summit
Picked a date for BUT Formal: March 22: Troupe and Wandering Minds planning
Found photo backdrop during Space cleaning to use for BUT Formal
Met with Mac to follow up from last meeting
Went to Space cleaning
Self-Care Sunday was lots of fun!
Clarified with Angel in SAO that we need the Student Theater for the TA Event
VP: Erin
Went to Space cleaning
Went to Self-Care Sunday
Checked on plaque company to update award plaques
Messaged facilities about Student Theater maintenance
Got confirmation from Crystal re: ST bookings
VPSP: Ariana
No check-in
Secretary: Kim
Sent GM #4 recap email
Created Self-Care Sunday Facebook event
Attended Space cleaning and Self-Care Sunday; loved both!
Created paint cabinet inventory—will send to Alicia
Has some stuff to donate to Troupe’s costume inventory
TD: Alicia
Coordinating with Ruby to clean up OB corner
Space cleaning went really well: every show qualified
Contacted strike felons
Talking to Liz about creating a lights cleaning day for next semester
Dysfunctional electrical is documented in the booth—makes it easier to identify problems for facilities to fix
Thinking about fixing prop rental system
Will be posting images of things left at Space cleaning into Facebook group: if they aren’t retrieved, they will be absorbed into Troupe or donated