Show Check-Ins:
Charity Show: The Burials
Directors: Sean D. and Aisha S.
Started blocking—hoping to finish blocking by Tuesday
Held photoshoot
Held cast bonding
TD: Brian R.
Thrilled to start working with tech crew; sent out first email with dates and information
Contacted department heads
Sent out a schedule for department meetings happening this week
Meeting with Sean on Monday to finalize tech vision
Met ATDs!
SM: Harrison R.
Having difficulty managing the casts with their conflicts; feeling they don’t always adhere to expectations of rehearsal attendance
Collecting contracts, but haven’t been able to get them from people who aren’t attending; a bit frustrated with this dynamic
Producers: Devon M. and Lena M.
Met with assistants and designated responsibilities
Facebook page and Instagram are live
T-shirt link up and running; deadline is Tuesday
Finished up photoshoot; planning a day for headshots
Blaze fundraiser in the works
Noises Off
Director: Taylor H.
Rehearsals all this week; over half the show is blocked
Did a movement class on Friday for slapstick, safety
Emilee blocked a scene
Cast bonding—everyone getting along really well
Had a creative team meeting
AD: Emilee M.
Blocking going really smoothly, which is great
TD: Katie L.
Had a creative team meeting: discussed set design; will take ideas to set designer
Going to tape the floor in 700 Beacon this week for actors
Got tech lists—yay!—scheduling tech meeting and department meetings soon
Producer: Kendall G.
A few questions for Chrissy
Meeting with assistants this week to exchange ideas and make sure they get the most out of experience
SM: Matthew D.
Tech Show throwing a bit of a wrench in the schedule; smoothing out wrinkles
Everything going smoothly otherwise
Excited to have an ASM
Director: James R.
First week of rehearsals and character meetings went well
Lots of conflicts; need to get the hang of scheduling
Set up a meeting with Erin for next week
MD: Doug B.
Confirmed a couple more pit members; just need to fill two more positions
Music rehearsals have been going well! Lots of talent in the cast
Discussed music tech needs with Erin
Will have fewer weekday conflicts from now on which should allow for more frequent music rehearsals
AD: Amanda R.
On the right track with blocking and character work
Excited for movement and acting workshops
Choreographer: Kim Z.
Auditions went well (dance callback was super fun!)
Had to change rehearsal plans due to having a fever
TD: Erin C.
Got tech team! Will email them soon
Trying to establish a good relationship early on between tech and actors
Going to tape out the floor in 700 Beacon
Met with James
Producers: Chynna B. and Rachel R.
Working out department budgets tonight
Producing team meeting on Friday with APs
Secured a BU Today photographer for tech week
SM: Abbey M.
Having some frustration with last-minute conflicts and adherence to attendance
Planning cast bonding for Tech Show
Excited for ASMs
Need to make a new plan for scheduling bc current system isn’t working great
Trying to schedule a creative team meeting
President: Alba
Delivered division of power talk to Assassins, giving one to Noises Off and The Burials this week
Had tech show rehearsal
Went to TA Event; got pied; money in Venmo is transferring
Went to Tech Show move in
Marcella reached out on behalf of giving day with another opportunity for Stage Troupe
Meeting with Erin Murdock scheduled for Friday 2/15 at 1 PM
Ordered new name tags
VP: Erin
Looking for a room for The Burials to take headshots on Wednesday
Tech show rehearsal
Went to TA Event; ducked her pie
Spoke with James about looking at the electrical in Student Theater
Booked backcourt for BUT Formal 3/21
VPSP: Ariana
TA Event went really well!
Announced full BUSTies team—super excited to work with them; will start meeting with them soon
Setting up a meeting with Wandering Minds and Shakespeare Society to continue planning BUT Formal
T-shirt link closes next Sunday
Treasurer: Chrissy
The Burials rights company still hasn’t received payment, although SAO says payment
Purchase order for vacuum received and approved
Assassins payment approved
Reimbursements should be arriving soon and/or have already arrived
Met with The Burials team, finalized Blaze fundraiser
Meeting with other show producing teams on Friday
Reached out to Everytown for information for lobby
Helped with TA Event
Secretary: Kim
Published TA Event Facebook Event and promoted TA Event on social media
Shared casting call for The Burials and communicated with auditionees
Received an email from an alum requesting that we review production photos from ‘06 production of Lend Me A Tenor
Helped with TA Event, auctioned off some items, got pied. 10/10 would do it again
TD: Alicia
Lots of safety trainings this week
Opened up the Space for VagMo
VagMo rental agreement should go through soon
Published tech lists
Tech show rehearsals
TA Event