Show Check-Ins:
- F&F Weekend: Grease
- Director: Ellie
- Rehearsals are great. Right on track.
- Attendance at rehearsals has been an issue, but working it out with Ariana.
- Asst Director: Lara
- Emphasis on scheduling problems-- there have been some injuries and illnesses. Working around it.
- Acted as the understudy this week.
- Have 4 numbers left to choreograph.
- Songs are going well.
- Communication between some of the creative members has been difficult because of scheduling conflicts.
- SM: Ariana
- Finished blocking the entire show.
- Working on music and choreography today and tomorrow.
- Tuesday-Friday are full runs.
- Added two people to show: Nolan and Maeve.
- Attendance has been hit and miss with people not coming to rehearsal.
- Met with Alicia and Caitlin to go over Tsai scheduling.
- Sent Alicia notes we've been taking about additional costumes and props.
- Hard off book is pushed to Wednesday. Alleviated a lot of stress with actors.
- TD: Alicia
- Had all department meetings. Everyone seemed to be on schedule today during tech meeting.
- Went to Emerson to pull costumes.
- Placed the paint order through Home Depot. Will get picked up tomorrow. Cheaper than expected. A little difficulty with department communication, but it was managed.
- Wood order was delivered. Shoutout to Carter for helping with it.
- Confusion with SAO over U-Haul this week. Needs to be done through a reimbursement.
- Tsai's on board with everything. Set up Columbus Day with them.
- Some trouble with attendance in tech meetings.
- Producer: Sam
- Flyers are printed and should be up in residence halls tomorrow.
- Wood order made it.
- Met with Andy this week to go over updates on promo material.
- Emailed Tsai to get lobby plans approved.
- Met with all assistants this week, so everyone has their assignments. Brainstormed some new promo material.
- Went over program stuff. Talked to new cast members for their bios.
- Went to rehearsal to take headshots. In process of editing. All footage for promo videos has been taken.
- Director: Ellie
- Speech and Debate
- Director: Sarah
- Rehearsals are going really well.
- About 2/3 of the show is blocked.
- Waiting on getting the sheet music from SAO to block the music scenes. Talking to Andy about that.
- SM: Lauren
- Cast has been working on learning their lines. Really happy with it so far.
- About 75% of the show is blocked.
- Had to make some schedule changes because of conflicts, but shouldn't be too much of a problem.
- ASM Lena is fantastic. Covered some rehearsals on her own.
- Hashing out the rest of the rehearsal schedule soon.
- TD: Francis
- Had department meetings.
- Having a couple of issues with set design, but working it out soon.
- Everything else going well.
- Producers: HwaYoun and Elle
- Met with assistants on Friday and assigned their roles.
- Elle made a Warren Poster design and it looks great.
- All set to start promos once Grease is over.
- Director: Sarah
- The Flick
- Director: Lucy
- Rehearsals are going really well. Most of Act 1 is blocked. Should finish up and block Act 2 this week.
- Cast is doing great. Already learning lines, thinking about character.
- David found chairs- yay! Hyped about set design.
- Met with producers. Also very excited about their ideas.
- Very on track with our schedule so far.
- SM: Abby
- Will meet early this week to plan rehearsals moving forward.
- Don't have the best rehearsal room, but Evan is working on it.
- Has 1 ASM, but she's really great. Should be fine with just one.
- Basically in the clear with schedule issues for show week.
- TD: David
- Bulk of department meetings this coming week.
- Set design is finished and beautiful. HwaYoun did an amazing job. Will do cut list sometime soon.
- Getting FREE seats from Coolidge Corner Theatre and West Newton Cinema, which is amazing.
- Producers: Angelica and Tori
- Met with assistants and Lucy. Got communications systems ready.
- Making a Google calendar that has all the really important dates for deadlines.
- Talked about promotional materials and have ideas for poster and promo videos.
- Allocated different jobs for the assistants.
- Making quick scripts for the videos this week.
- Director: Lucy
E-Board Check-Ins:
- President: Chris
- Participated in COMBAT. Loved it.
- Met with some Board members individually to talk about communication.
- Contacted Shiney about iPads for F&F.
- VP: Evan
- Helped out with some Grease related stuff.
- Working on getting rooms for The Flick on 25 Live.
- Need to contact Facilities to paint the theater.
- VPSP: Abby
- COMBAT happened. Went really well. All the other groups were so great to work with. Really communicative. Board was super supportive.
- In the future, let's avoid having COMBAT on Yom Kippur if possible.
- Kickball is happening on Saturday. Boston Common, probably 1:30.
- There are still tie-dyed t-shirts in the workshop. Will make a post for people to go pick them up.
- Treasurer: Andy
- Need to contact SAO about music for Speech and Debate.
- Had awesome meeting with Sam this week about Grease.
- Will contact Home Depot about possibly waterlogged wood if necessary.
- Had Chris contact Shiney about iPads.
- Loves producers. Very proud.
- Lots of tech hasn't paid dues yet. Will post in the FB group.
- Secretary: Lucy
- Made Grease Facebook event. Will finish submitting show to various calendars today.
- Will make Kickball event as soon as details are finalized.
- Will send out email about next GMs tomorrow if there are no objections.
- Emailed the Opening our Doors festival person to request a table to sell Grease tickets at the event for a few hours.
- Got rehearsal videos from Ariana to use for Instagram promotion.
- Wrote for COMBAT. Tons of fun.
- TA: Caitlin
- Helped Abby with COMBAT tech. Next year, it might be good to have a universal strike talk with all the groups for expediency.
- Having a universal computer for sound would also be good for next year's COMBAT.
- Will work on striking the lights.
- Moved some things from Summer Show in the workshop back to the Space.
- Going to reach out to Playwrights because they have a show during Grease build week.
- Space Cleaning tentatively will be December 9. Will reach out to friend in facilities about dumpster. Sent Andy a list of things to buy.
- Attended SAO hazing training today.
- Moved a few tech people around.
- Need to buy more fireproofing.