One-Acts Cast List

Andre’s Mother

Cal - Will Wheeler

Andre’s Mother - Bea Wissel

Arthur - Ian Cohen

Penny - Carolyn Byrne



Ray - Jordan Callais

Donna - Leni Zneimer


Chocolate Affair

Beverly - Taylor Butzbach

Mr. Goodbar - Tyler Brewer

M&M - Tyler Strickland


Helen’s Kitchen

Helen - Kristin Myers

Gary - Alex Burnett


The M Word

Man - Zachary Drummer

Woman - Maggie Scull


Spring 2009 Tech Lists

The Laramie Project

Technical Director - Katie Richmond
Asst. Technical Directors - Preston Weir, Allie McDonough
Stage Manager - Tyler Brewer
Asst. Stage Manager - Alexa Justice
Lighting Design - Ted Atkinson, Mike Carollo
Sound Design - Jan Kaim
Asst. Sound - Kelly Gallagher
Props - Sara Boyle, Tracy Domitrz
Costumes - Katrina De La Rosa, Rebecca Karsh
Make-up - Sandra Hartkopf, Christina Ladish
Build/Run Crew: Keith Gildea, Rachel Ibarra, Alex Leavitt, Tom Murphy

Producer - David Siewers, Farrell Parker
Asst. Producer - Bobby Nicolescu
Director - Stephanie Feinerman

Crimes of the Heart
Technical Director - Josh Friedensohn
Asst. Technical Director - Tom Murphy, Josh Friedensohn
Master Carpenter - Rena Luczkiewicz
Stage Manager - Hannah Simkins
Asst. Stage Manager - Agatha Babbit
Lighting Design - Joe Colombo
Asst. Lighting Design - Alexander Kemp
Sound Design - Adam Lauria
Asst. Sound Design- Arielle Adler
Props - Danielle Freiberg, Kristin Myers
Costumes - Stephanie Feinerman, Vanessa Gattinella
Asst. Costumes - Emma Sullivan
Make-up - Katrina De La Rosa, Adrien Smith
Set Decoration - Kaylee Dombrowski, Ilana Cloud, Taylor Butzbach
Build/Run Crew - Alex Leavitt, Keith Gildea, Alicia Donovan, Bryan Jimenez, Christina Ladish, Emily Shumsky, Alyssa Damiani, Peter Moriarty, Preston Weir, Dan Collado

Producer - Solange Garcia
Asst. Producer - Kate Bischoff, Kelly Gallagher
Director - Adam Lebowitz-Lockard

Hollywood Liquor

Technical Director - Liane Hu
Asst. Technical Director - Steve Marois
Set Design - Bryan Jimenez
Asst. Set Design - Alicia Donovan
Master Carpenter - Bryan Jimenez
Stage Manager - Gabrielle Krumins, Sara Boyle
Lighting Design - Shannon Gill
Asst. Lighting Design - Mike Gomez
Sound Design - Tim Tilbe
Asst. Sound Design - Ian Cohen
Props - Rebecca Karsh, Agatha Babbitt
Costumes - Monica Castillo, Tracy Domitrz
Make-up - Kate Edgar, Kristin Myers
Set Decoration - Alyssa Damiani, Chris Hamilton, Rachel Ibarra
Build/Run Crew: Alex Leavitt, Keith Gildea, Tyler Brewer, Michael Conroy, Hannah Simkins, Lauren Boczek, Danielle Freiberg, Andrew Clark, Rebecca Tenace

Producer - Jason Gary
Asst. Producer - Arielle Adler, Jessie Pitluk
Director - Zach Drummer

Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead

Technical Director - Sarah Crozier
Asst. Technical Directors - Danielle Freiberg, Bobby Nicolescu
Set Design - Alex Leavitt
Master Carpenter - Ted Atkinson
Stage Manager - Ed Abramson
Asst. Stage Manager - Kelly Gallagher, Sarah Light
Lighting Design - Jan P. Kaim
Asst. Lighting Design - Raziq-Omar Jivani
Sound Design - Joe Colombo
Asst. Sound Design - Lauren Boczek
Props - Michael Conroy, Rachel Ibarra
Costumes - Stephanie Feinerman, Rebecca Karsh, Shiloh Schlung, Adrien Smith
Make-up - Katie Richmond
Asst. Make-up - Christina Ladish, Monica Castillo
Set Decoration - Tim Tilbe, Sandra Hartkop, Kristin Myers, Emma Sullivan
Build/Run Crew: Preston Weir, Keith Gildea, Taylor Butzbach, Alyssa Damiani, Alexa Justice, Peter Moriarty, Tom Murphy, Andrew Clark, Rebecca Tenace

Producer - Tracy Domitrz
Asst. Producer - Chris Hamilton, Emily Shumsky
Director - Carolyn Byrnes, Will Wheeler


Spring 2009 Cast Lists!

The Laramie Project
Mathias Goldstein
Ian Graff
Chris Hamilton
Michael Butvinik
Sarah Jill Bashein
Natalie Robinson
Kim Winnubst
Leni Zneimer

Crimes of the Heart
Kelsey Lidsky - Lenny
Liz Harris – Meg
Rachel Hawkes - Babe
Mike Gomez – Doc
Tara Thompson - Chick
Ian Cohen - Barnette

Hollywood Liquor
Alex Schneps – Ronald
Jordan Sobel – Fred
Mike Carollo – Geraud
Lindsay Gould – Victoria
Jennie Eskowitz – Delma
Alia Gilbert – Kelly
Ryan Maloney – Boozer Bum

Rosencrantz & Guildenstern
Alex Burnett - Rosencrantz
Michael O’Leary - Guildenstern
Chandler Stephen - Player
Ali Irwin - Narrator
Nick Bove - Hamlet
Maggie Scull - Ophelia
Tyler Brewer - Polonius
Steve Marois - Claudius
Margot Mache - Gertrude
Ryan McPhee - Alfred
Kelly Larkin - Tragedian
Albert Paez - Tragedian
Paul Renolis - Tragedian
Vanessa Tanicien - Tragedian
Solange Garcia - Tragedian


Callback Lists

Callbacks will be CAS 2nd floor from 5:30-10pm.
If you did not get called back, thank you for auditioning! Come to the tech meeting this Friday, January 23, 7pm in the Space and tech for the spring season!

The Laramie Project
Zac Brokenrope
Michael Butvinik
Mathias Goldstein
Michael Gomez
Ian Graff
Chris Hamilton
Ryan McPhee
Michael O'Leary
Albert Paez
Alex Schneps
Chandler Stephen

Sarah Jill Bashein
Kate Bischoff
Solange Garcia
Alia Gilbert
Lindsey Gould
Liz Harris
Ali Irwin
Kelsey Lidsky
Kristin Myers
Nikki Pelazza
Natalie Robinson
Maggie Scull
Tara Thompson
Ellie Wilson
Kim Winnubst
Leni Zneimer

Crimes of the Heart

Kelsey Lidskey
Sarah Crozier
Natalie Robinson
Rachel Hawkes
Alia Gilbert
Tara Thompson
Liz Harris
Farrell Parker
Lindsey Gould
Laurel English
Bea Wissel

Ian Cohen
Alex Schneps
Mike Gomez
Mathias Goldstein
Jordan Sobel
Michael O'Leary
Alex Shuck.

Hollywood Liquor

Jordan Sobel
Alex Schnepps
Ian Cohen
Michael O'Leary
Alex Burnett
Ryan Maloney
Mathias Goldstein
Mike Gomez
Mike Carollo
Nick Bove

Farrell Parker
Jamie Sharp
Kim Winnubst
Lindsey Gould
Jenny Isakowitz
Monica Castillo
Alia Gilbert
Natalie Robinson
Kelsey Lidsky
Tara Thompson

Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead:

Aamir Ashraf
John Bourous
Nick Bove
Tyler Brewer
Alex Burnett
Michael Butvinik
Ian Cohen
Quinn Donnelly
Mathias Goldstein
Michael Gomez
Ian Graff
Steve Marois
Ryan McPhee
Mihcael O'Leary
Albert Paez
Paul Renolis
Alex Schneps
Alex Shuck
Jordan Sobel
Chandler Stephen
Tyler Strickland

Arielle Adler
Laurel English
Anna Fajkovoski
Solange Garcia
Alia Gilbert
Lindsey Gould
Liz Harris
Sandra Hartkopf
Ali Irwin
Jacqueline Lacy
Kelly Larkin
Kelsey Lidsky
Margot Mache
Moira McCormick
Mariah Sondergard
Maggie Scull
Vanessa Tanicien
Tara Thompson
Ellie Wilson
Kim Winnubst

If you did not get called back, thank you so much for auditioning! Other acting groups on campus are still having auditions.
Wandering Minds will be holding auditions Thursday, January 22 6-10pm in the psych basement.
WM season: Caucasian Chalk Circle
Complete Works of William Shakespeare Abridged
Necessary Targets
Too Much Light Makes the Baby go Blind


GM, Troupe n Scoop, Auditions, Tech Meeting and more

1. General Meeting is January 18th, 7:00pm in CAS B12

2. Troupe n Scoop, free ice cream social, January 19th 7-9 pm in BU Central

3. Auditions for Spring Season : January 20-21 6-10 pm in CAS 2nd Floor

4. Callbacks January 22nd CAS 2nd Floor, 6-10 pm

5. Tech Meeting, Space time TBA

6. Jewish Theater Guild is in need of actors and techies for their spring show.


One Act Cast Lists

Controlling Interest

Jack - Mathias Goldstein
Brad - Alex Burnett
David - Keith Gildea
Steven - David Siewers
Ashley - Stephanie Feinerman
Bethany - Sarah Crozier

The Role of Della

Emma-Liz Harris
Elizabeth-Kelly Wrather
Woman-Belinda Paige

The Wedding Story

Storyteller-Kelly Larkin
Bride-Arielle Adler
Groom-Jordan Callais

An Ongoing Examination of the True Meaning of Life

He- Alex Schneps
She- Maggie Scull
Playwright- Tara Thompson

The Quickie Funeral

Bill: Anthony Vaglica
Cookie: Louise Mittelmen
Molly: Ali Irwin
Greg: Ryan Maloney
Saul: Ryan Impagliazzo


General Meeting Minutes

Hey guys,
So a lot went down at this meeting. It was a big one (that's what she said.) Here's a breakdown:

1. One Act auditions are TOMORROW. That's TOMORROW, October 27th and October 28th from 6-10 in the PSYCH BASEMENT! There are five one acts to audition for, so plenty of fun parts to be had. If you are interested in teching for one acts, email Rena at One Acts perform December 4th, 5th, and 6th.

2. Because we did not receive any pitches for next semester's kid's show, we have extended the deadline to November 6th. We have also opened the parameters of the event; now the kid's show is a general charity show. This means that a charity show pitch would include several things.
A) a show you want to direct that can be done with basically no budget
B) a charity that you would give the proceeds to that is in some way connected to your show
C) a reason why your show should be chosen and why you chose that charity

So get those pitches in by November 6th to IT office in an envelope marked Attention: Eric Jacobsen. Download the kid's show pitch form from the website, but include an answer to 2C (above).

3. We also have miscellaneous news.
A) Kim will be "arrested" as part of Alpha Phi's "Jail and Bail" event, the sorority's annual philanthropic event. It will be held at Harper's Ferry in Allston at 9:00 on Tuesday, October 28th. Tickets to the event are $8. There will be free non alcoholic drinks, bands playing, and general merriment. Plus we get to free Kim, our beloved president, from "jail."
B) CFA School of Theater has offered Stage Troupe free tickets to their performance of Tennessee Williams' Glass Menagerie. The performance will be next Sunday, November 2nd at 2:00 pm in CFA. Email if you plan on attending in case they want a head count.
C) Keith Gildea needs actors, actresses, and possible PAs for his student film. Email if you are interested in participating.
D) David needs people to participate on Busties' Nominating Committee. To be eligible, you have to have either seen all the shows OR seen all the special projects OR both. You have to be able to meet during the day for about an hour on December 7th. Email if you are interested.

4. The season for next semester, in no particular order is:
*Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead,
directed by Carolyn Byrne and Will Wheeler
*Crimes of the Heart, directed by Adam Lebowitz-Lockard
*Hollywood Liquor, written and directed by Zach Drummer

Thank you to everyone who pitched!

5. The next general meeting is December 7th, at 7:00 pm in CAS 211.
We will be voting on BUSTIES.


Baby with the Bathwater, Deck out the Dogs, and Spring Show Pitches

Baby with the Bathwater runs this weekend. Thursday, Friday, and Saturday night 8:00 pm at the Student Theater! Tickets are on sale now at the GSU information counter. $6 for everyone. $5 for Troupies!

Friday, October 24th at 10pm: Deck out the Dogs.
This event runs all night until 7am in the morning. Basically, drop by to the SAC gym and help Troupe paint a Rhett statue! It will be fun, free, and there will be food! Visit for further details!

The next General Meeting is this Sunday. That's Sunday, October 26th at 7:00 pm in CAS 211. We will be voting for next semester's season, and finding out this semester's one act festival participants (i.e. the one acts that will be performed). This is not a meeting you want to miss!


Pitch Deadline and Into the Woods

Pitches for fall one acts and spring main stage is: Thursday, October 16th 4:00 pm to 111 Cummington.

How to pitch a show:
1. Pick a show.
2. Get the script and make two copies of it.
3. Print a pitch application from the form section of the Troupe website.
4. Check and make sure the rights are available on the publisher's website.
5. Put the copies of the script and the pitch application form in an envelope marked Attention: Eric Jacobsen.
6. Turn in the envelope by the above deadline.

Come see Into the Woods!

Into the Woods opens Friday at 8:00 at the Tsai Performance Center. Get your tickets at the GSU information counter!


BYOB and other performance opportunities!

Bring Your Own Broadway or BYOB hosted by BU on Broadway will be tomorrow night, Thursday October 9th from 7-9 pm in BU central. The event will start off with a performance from our fabulous cast of Into the Woods and other performances from On Broadway's Showcase, Cabaret and How to Be You: On Broadway's original musical. Plus attendees can pick from music provided or bring their own sheet music and sing any song of their choosing. It's a really fun event!

*Now a note from Willing Suspensions:*

Willing Suspension Productions would like to announce the audition dates and times for
our 2009 production, "The Dutch Courtesan." It's a Shakespearean-era comedy by John
Marston that offers a variety of roles, large and small, for a cast of both men and
women. We're happy to take on actors already participating in other shows and from other

Auditions for "The Dutch Courtesan" will be held Tuesday, October 28 from 6pm-9pm;
Wednesday, October 29 from 7pm-9pm; and Thursday, October 30 from 6pm-9pm in the basement
lounge of the English Department (236 Bay State Road).
The show will run March 26-28. Rehearsals will be VERY scanty in the fall semester (less
than once a week). In January & February, rehearsals will be 1-3 days per week (Sunday
afternoons every week), with more per week in March (3-4 days per week, every day in the
final week).

Any questions should be directed to us at We'll need both cast and crew,
and are open to both undergraduate and graduate students.

Thank you all in advance!

Tech Director, Willing Suspension Productions


Pitch time and other stuff!

So with the pitching deadline approaching, here's a place for anyone who is looking for a show to pitch, a director for the show they are pitching, or an assistant director to publicize their requests.

Ali Irwin:

I'm looking for an upperclassman to pitch a show with me, and hopefully co-direct if the pitch goes well. I'm considering a satiric comedy about coming out as a gay teenager called "Removing the Glove," and a short drama at sea by Eugene O'Neill called "Thirst."

If anyone is interested in helping me out, it would be great if they would email me! Thanks so much, everyone!

"Seeking crew members for Holland Productions' run of Paula Vogel's The Baltimore Waltz.

We are looking for 1 light board operator, 1 sound board operator, 1 costume run person and 1 props run person.

Starting Monday, Oct. 6th, evenings 6:30pm @ The Factory Theatre 791 Tremont Street, South End. Must be available all tech week Oct 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th and evenings of show dates October 10, 11, & 16th, 17th, 18th @ 6:30pm (call time) with 1 matinee on October 11th, must be there at 1:30 (call time).

Please contact Krista D'Agostino at or 617-285-6880"

I do not know if you guys are interested, but if you, my sister is on Facebook, or give her a call, or if you could pass this along to anyone you know who might want to participate that would be great!! Thank you so much!! Sorry for bothering you!!

Adrienne D'Agostino

If you would like to be included in this blog post. Send an email with what you want posted! Spread the word!

Also the Jewish Theater Guild is looking for people to help tech their show, Tick Tick Boom! as well as some orchestra members. If you are interested, email Yosi at

Stay classy Stage Troupe!


Workshop Schedule!

Workshop Schedule:

If you have been assigned as a Lighting, Sound, Costume of Makeup designer or assistant, I expect you to attend these workshops so you can learn how it works in Troupe. Please contact if you have been assigned to one of these positions and can't make it.

Lights and Sound Workshop
Wednesday 10/01/08 at 5:30-6:30PM
At the Student Theater at Agganis Arena
Taught by Rena Luczkiewicz

Costumes and Makeup Workshop
Saturday 10/04/08 at 4:00pm
At the Space (949B Commonwealth Ave.)
Taught by Stephanie Feinerman and Katie Richmond

**Every TD, ATD and MC must attend a safety workshop before your show can start building. If you have not been able to make it to the two that have been set up so far, please email**

Call for Tech People
Wandering on Stage (or some much longer variant of that title) is a combat that will be taking place this weekend on Saturday night at 8pm at the Student Theater. We need a few people the help out with tech during that day. Basically we need someone to run lights, someone to run sound and someone to be in charge of the Space for the day, helping find and later return props and costumes. Please email if you have any interest. Combats are lots of fun and a great way to get a little extra tech experience.

Please send any questions, concerns, messages of hope, etc. to


General Meeting #2 Minutes!

General Meeting # 2

1. Congrats to the first combat of the year!
2. Pitches: Pitches for Fall 08 one acts and Spring Season 09 are due October 16th by 4 pm to the IT office. Put your application form (which you can download off the website under forms) and two copies of your script in an envelope labeled Attention: Eric Jacobsen.

We will be voting on the Spring season at the next general meeting October 26th 7:00pm in CAS211.

We will need people to volunteer for reading committee. Reading committee is assigned to read a pitched play and then bring to the general membership any concerns about the show. If you would like to be a part, email David Siewers at

3. Rena needs people to tech for one acts and combat. If you are interested contact her at One acts is a great way to try out new tech positions you are curious about, so do it!

4. Wandering on Stage will be this Saturday 8:00 pm in the student theater. Wandering on Stage is our annual combat that we do with On Broadway and Wandering Minds, but this year we are trying to get a few other awesome groups involved too. It is not something you want to miss! If you would like to be a Troupe writer, actor, or director email David at

5. Next General Meeting is October 26th 7:00 pm in CAS211. Be there!


Tech Assignments

Into the Woods

Technical Director: Josh Friedensohn
Asst. Technical Director: Ted Atkinson
Master Carpenter: Rena Luczkiewicz
Stage Manager: Erica Magelky
Asst. Stage Manager: Raziq-Omar Jivani
Danielle D'Avignon
Lighting Design: Jan Kaim
Asst. Lighting: Andrew Menard
Sound Design: Joe Colombo
Asst. Sound: Natasha Cohen
Set Design: Josh Friedensohn
Asst. Set Design: Alicia Donovan
Set Decoration: Kaylee Dombrowski
Asst. Set Decoration: Ilana Cloud
Carla Donaghey
Maxine Blomberg
Props: Kelly Banyas
Ruth Bluestone
Arielle Adler
Costumes: Stephanie Feinerman
Asst. Costumes: Rebecca Karsh
Gabrielle Krumins
Kathryn Smith
Emma Sullivan
Make-Up: Katie Richmond

Asst. Make-Up: Monica Castillo
Sam Mele
Megan McCarney
Darby Sanders
Build/Run Crew: Keith Gildea
Adam Leibowitz-Lockard
Kelly Larkin
Bryan Jimenez
Steve Marois
Hannah Simkins
Nick Dougherty
Mike Carollo
James Ikeda
Alicia Donovan
Ed Abramson
Danielle Freiberg
Avra Kutcher

Producer: Bridget Kelleher
Asst. Producer: Alex Shuck
Maddie DeShazo

Baby With the Bathwater

Technical Director: Jessi McCarthy
Asst. Technical Director: Brian Jimenez
Master Carpenter: Sarah Crozier
Stage Manager: Hannah Simkins
Asst. Stage Manager: Peter Moriarty
Lighting Design: Matt Schoen
Asst. Lighting: Kelly Gallagher
Sound Design: Tim Tilbe
Asst. Sound: Adam Lauria
Set Design: Sarah Crozier
Asst. Set Design: Ally McDonough
Set Decoration: Kelly Larkin
Asst. Set Decoration: Stephanie Madden, Kristin Myers
Props: Bea Wissel, Kate Edgar
Costumes: Steve Marois
Asst. Costumes: Rebecca Morgan, Maggie Scull
Make-Up: Taylor Butzbach
Asst. Make-Up: Jessica Chen, Jessica Ziemek, Kelsey Lidsky
Build/Run Crew:
Keith Gildea
Alden Landis
Adam Leibowitz-Lockhard
Kelsey Oates
Sarah Crozier
Darby Sanders
Tara Jaykar
Alexa Justice
Tom Murphy
Laure Boczek

Producer: Jason Gary
Asst. Producer: Jessie Pitluk, Arielle Adler

Poona the F@*kdog

Technical Director: Liane Hu
Asst. Technical Director: Danielle Freiberg
Master Carpenter: Sean Byrnes
Stage Manager: Emily Shumsky
Asst. Stage Manager: Ed Abramson
Lighting Design: Shannon Gill
Asst. Lighting: Ian Cohen
Sound Design: Jan Kaim
Asst. Sound: Lauren Boczek
Set Design: Matt Schoen
Asst. Set Design: Alden Landis
Set Decoration: Jessi McCarthy
Asst. Set Decoration: Laura Jacobs
Props: Will Wheeler, Carolyn Byrne, Rebecca Morgan
Costumes: Bea Wissel
Asst. Costumes: Kate Bischoff, Jessica Chen
Make-Up: Katie Richmond
Asst. Make-Up: Emma Sullivan, Sandra Hartkopf
Build/Run Crew:
Keith Gildea
Kelly Banyas
Peter Moriarty
Rebecca Karsh
Natasha Cohen
Derek Dasilva
James Ikeda
Megan Masur
Jordan Callais
Alicia Donovan
Kathryn Smith

Producer: Tracy Domitrz
Asst. Producer: Chris Hamilton, Raziq-Omar Jivani

Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?

Technical Director: Sarah Crozier
Asst. Technical Director: Katie Richmond
Master Carpenter: Rena Luckiewicz
Stage Manager: Gabrielle Krumins
Asst. Stage Manager: Mike Gomez
Lighting Design: Ted Atkinson
Asst. Lighting: Tom Murphy
Sound Design: Jason Sellers
Asst. Sound: Jordan Callais
Set Design: Rena Luckiewicz
Set Decoration: Kaylee Dombrowski
Asst. Set Decoration: Kate Edgar
Props: Agatha Babbit, Kelsey Oates
Costumes: Taylor Butzbach
Asst. Costumes: Erica Magelky, Rebecca Karsh
Make-Up: Megan McCarney
Asst. Make-Up: Monca Castillo
Build/Run Crew:
Sara Boyle
Bryan Jimenez
Josh Friedensohn
Stephanie Madden
Natasha Cohen
Keith Gildea
Danielle D'Avignon
Kathryn Smith

Producer: Solange Garcia
Asst. Producer: Gabriela Nicolescu, Kelly Gallagher


More performance opportunities (non troupe affiliated)

Boston University's Tri Delta is hosting a charity event, "Rock the Stage for Change" which benefits St. Jude Children's Research Hosipital. They are looking for acts, so if you and/or your friends would like to participate contact Kimberly Taylo at

The event will be in the GSU ballroom Friday October 3rd.

From the CAS Core program:

Calling all actors, stage managers, movers and musicians. Auditions
will be held on Friday, September 19 between 3:30-7:30 PM for a Core
sponsored production of Aeschylus' Agamemnon. Sign up in the Core
office and plan to stay for 30 min. All experience levels welcome. No need to prepare a monologue, material will be provided. Location of auditions is CAS 220. Agamemnon will go up the evening of Saturday, November 1 outside on BU Beach. For more information contact

Two BU film students are looking for actors and actresses for a short film.

The first is looking to film for a few hours this weekend, contact if you are interested.

The other is Matthew Watkins, contact him at

Go Troupe!


Cast Lists

Into the Woods

Emily Schoen - Cinderella
Richard Hofmann - Jack
Matthew Lerner - Baker
Rebbekkah Vega Romero – Baker’s Wife
Belinda Paige – Cinderella’s Stepmother
Erin Coffey- Florinda
Elizabeth Doyle - Lucinda
Matthew Ballew – Cinderella’s Father
Nikki Sorrentino – Little Red Riding Hood
Farrell Parker - Witch
Alexandra Kalinowski – Cinderella’s Mother / Giant
Mike Gomez – Mysterious Man
Martin Bakari – Cinderella’s Prince / Wolf
Maria Borrelli - Granny
Dan Creed - Steward
Elena Anderson – Snow White
Kristin Myers – Sleeping Beauty
Rachel Hawkes - Rapunzel
Jordan Sobel - Narrator
Agatha Babbitt – Jack’s Mother
Chris Behmke – Rapunzel’s Prince

Baby with the Bathwater

Will Wheeler - Daisy
Lindsey Gould - Helen
Alex Schneps – John
Carolyn Byrne - Nanny
Margot Mache – Susan / Angela
Amelia Gossett – Cynthia / Ms. Pringle
Kate Bischoff – Principal Willoughby / Kate
James Simone - Psychiatrist

Poona the Fuckdog

Storyteller #2: Kim Winnubst
Poona: Sasha Kimitek
Man who could sell anything: Frank Cusimano
Penis: Alex Shuck
Prince: Nick Bove
Rabbit/1st citizen: Mike Carollo
Guard/Devil/other bit parts: Steve Marois
Jasper: Alex Burnett
Cunt: Tara Thompson
Storyteller 1/Mr. Beer/jack Jacobs: Quinn Donnelly
TV: Kelly Wrather
Frog: Jason Gary
Shrub/God: Chandler Stephen
Suzy-Suzy: Jade Terry
Computer: Nic Campos

Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?

Kelsey Lidsky - Martha
Adam Lebowitz –Lockard - George
Alia Gilbert - Honey
Mathias Goldstein – Nick



Callbacks will be Thursday, September 11th at 7-10 pm in the basement of the psychology building.

Into the Woods:

Lea Christoforou
Ellen Reavey
Kate Bischoff
Elizabeth Doyle
Farrell Parker
Carolyn Byrne
Nicole Sorice
Jacqueline Lacy
Agatha Babbitt
Alia Gilbert
Stacy Busch
Maria Borrelli
Eleni Zneimer
Kelly Wrather
Dana Ortiz
Zoe Bloom
Alexandra Kalinowski
Emily Schoen
Rachel Hawkes
Kristin Myers
Elyse Dupre
Natalie Robinson
Kelly Larkin
Belinda Paige
Megan McCarney
Erin Coffey
Elena Anderson
Kara Lydon
Nikki Sorrention
Rebbekkah Vega Romero
Sarah Jin Bashein

Martin Bakari
Richie Hoffman
Dan Creed
Christopher Behmke
Joseph Pratolongo
Jorden Sobel
Joe Colombo
Chandler Stephen
Alex Shuck
Frank Cusimano
Shawn Musgrave
Kevin Parker
Matthew Lerner
Mike Gomez
Cody P. Hayden
Matt Ballew
Alex Schneps

Baby With The Bathwater

Lindsey Gould
Liz Harris
Carroll Cole
Rachael Sams
Maggie Scull
Jackie Strand
Anna Fajkowski
Arielle Adler
Kim Winnubst
Kelsey Lidsky
Carolyn Byrne
Hannah Ubl
Gracie Novikoff
Samantha Friedman
Kate Bischoff
Lea Christoforou
Jade Terry
Alden Landis
Margot Mache
Alia Gilbert
Taylor Butzbach
Renee Kimmel
Amelia Gossett
Louise Mittleman

Adam Leibowitz-Lockhard
Owen Schmitt
Chandler Stephen
Will Wheeler
Ryan Impagliazzo
Matthew Hajek
Nick Bove
James Simone
Mike Gomez
Albert Paez
Alex Schneps

Poona the F@*kdog

Nikki Sorrentino
Kim Winnubst
Elyse Dupre
Jade Terry
Samantha Friedman
Sasha Kimiatek
Margot Mache
Liz Harris
Tara Thompson
Arielle Adler
Cristina Alanis Cantu
Kelly Wrather
Rebecca Madden
Kirsti Esch
Bea Wissel
Stephanie Madden
Alden Landis


Julien Rey
Adam Lebowitz Lockard
Quinn Donnelly
Alex Shuck
Collin Scully
Jason Gary
Alex Burnett
Frank Cusimano
Nick Bove
Mike Carollo
Matthew Hajek
Mathais Goldstein
Chandler Stephen
Dan Creed
Steve Marois
Nic Campos
Jordan Sobel
Razig-Omar Jivani

Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?

Rachel Bennett
Carolyn Burne
Lea Christoforou
Sarah Gazdowicz
Alia Gilbert
Liz Harris
Rachel Hawkes
Kelsey Lidsky
Farrell Parker
Natalie Robinson
Tara Thompson
Hannah Ubl
Kim Winnubst
Kelly Wrather
Sarah Zlotowitz

Nick Bove
Nic Campos
Dan Creed
Mike Gomez
Mathias Goldstein
Adam Lebowitz-Lockhard
Alex Shuck
Will Wheeler

Thanks to everyone who auditioned! We had an amazing turnout this year, lots of new faces! If you did not get called back, please don't be discouraged. There are many ways to get involved in Troupe, and we are very excited to make those new faces into familiar ones! To start, you could come to the Tech meeting this Friday at 6pm in the Space and sign up for tech positions! If you can't make it, email Rena at


E-Board nominees (updated 4.13.08)

Currently, these are the nominees. Additional members can be nominated at our next general meeting on April 13th at 7pm in CAS 522. Nominee speeches and voting will occur at the same meeting.

Josh Friedensohn
Emily Shumsky
Kim Winnubst
Kelly Wrather

Vice President:
Stephanie Feinerman
Solange Garcia

VP of Special Projects:
Steve Marois
David Siewers

Ryan Impagliazzo

Lindsey Gould
Liz Harris
Bryan Jimenez
Erica Magelky
Bea Wissel
