Show Check-Ins
First Mates (Summer Show)
had rehearsal last week
first read-through over Zoom
first show is next week – daunting!
cast is excited, everyone is
planning to go soft off-book next Wednesday and hard off-book next week
got paint from Home Depot
Chris Dew led a tech day and helped paint the set
got email from Jack about newly chosen producer!
will be in touch soon
wasn’t at BU last week
first rehearsal this week
finished blocking the show earlier today
missing people – hardest issue
juggling directors, SM, and actors missing
recording blocking on Zoom in 2-hour blocks for those absent
played half the cast as SM
scheduled rehearsals for this week
talking about what to do in future weeks
will be gone for other shows soon
met with Natalie and Leela as well as with the tech team
reached out to a few people about joining the team unofficially
put in the purchase order lists to Liv and Jack
arranged for Chris to pick up the first order (thanks Chris) and for some of the team to get started on the first day of build
E-Board Check-ins
communication with Orientation team
we are on for Summer Show! no more anxiety
waiting on letter from Sienna
much communication with people
gave keys to herself
Theater is already booked
(ask for notes later)
met with Liv about treasurer duties
working on First Mates stuff
made a producer form with Liv
chose a producer for Summer Show (Camille) and connected her with Natalie and Leela earlier today
can't make purchase orders or reimbursements yet because Engage permissions are not updated
Liv has had to take care of those for Summer Show
began process of Secretary takeover (resetting passwords, clearing the Gmail inbox)
need to reset Google Account password with BU
resolve OBOB keyboard inquiry in the Space – music director Taelor needs access to the Space
will forward email to Stella and Emma
will need to talk to producing team about how to promote First Mates
any updates on Squarespace?
did tech lists (TD and SM)talked to Katie about budget, tech roles
need access to Stage Troupe email
Summer Show Revival Show Date:
Natalie cannot be in Boston on September 10th, original date for the revival show
E-Board, could we move the revival to September 9th?
September 10th morning is Splash
we already will have exposure during Orientation
when is the Student Showcase?
usually night of Splash
Revival Show is mostly for fun
Stella hasn’t gotten schedule yet for work
may possibly miss
lots of conflicts
decision doesn’t need to be made now
revisit later (next week) after speaking to cast and tech crew
Creative Team Applications:
when should we release for next semester?
geared toward Rayna and Jack
Rayna says it is typically mid-June for TD
release the rest as well with TD
not a solid deadline – perhaps mid-July
looking for a co-TD
Access to Space:
anyone can let in other groups if just picking stuff up
remember to forward email to Stella and Emma