Executive Board Minutes 3/26/23

E-Board Check-ins


  • helped with Deathtrap build

  • talking to Orientation (Hannah) about Summer Show

    • could be after next week – invite incoming president

  • went to Heathers

  • hugged Dylan <3

  • emailed Space situation about OB situation with presidents and TAs

    • meeting on Tuesday

  • saw Into the Woods


  • was on vacay

  • went to Heathers

  • finished Deathtrap event form

  • fixed scheduling issues


  • This week I tracked down some theater in auction vigilantes and went to rehearsal for Deathtrap and On The Verge. I also researched BUSTies catering options and am crafting a playlist for the event (mostly mid-2000s bangers). The chocolate fountain is looking like a strong possibility haha.


  • Went to Heathers

  • Visited SABO with Rayna

  • Placed Home Depot and Amazon orders

  • Sent out some stuff to Sarah and Daphne

  • Talked to Jit Ping about booking FitRec rooms


  • sent two newsletters

  • did Salesman spotlights and photo posts

  • and promoted GM 3

  • finished getting photos from Mai


  • deathtrap/otv home depot order!!!!!!!!!!

  • rental contracts

  • scheduled OB/WM build weeks and safety training

  • finished TA application

  • AB funding purchase list ready to submit tomorrow

  • helped with Caesar move-in

  • deathtrap build


  • introducing Deb

  • created calendar file for next year

    • can talk about this in upcoming E-Board meeting


  • introduction

Deathtrap (Spring Mainstage Show)

Brooke Iglar (Director):

  • three rehearsals this week

  • running lines and blocking

  • had build week

    • looking gr8

  • promotional materials up on Instagram

  • co-Producers

    • Garrett and Hannah

Zoe Larrimer (AD):

  • none

Grace Draghi (co-TD):

  • build week started

  • good progress 

  • wood order was late

    • started build yesterday

  • problem: flat of double doors

    • being solved rn!

Kaito (co-TD):

  • helped Mai sync audio and video for the salesman recording, exported and uploaded full recording to google drive

  • build week began! we are building things, waiting for the purchase order to finish everything up

  • picked up wood order friday and spent so many hours saturday and sunday building a-frames and the fireplace and doing a lot of tech for various departments, i am currently at build which is why i’m missing eboard

  • tested fake blood

  • scheduling a creative team meeting for sometime in the following week

  • met with Brooke a few times to talk about tech

Sarah Valger (Producer):

  • none

Adie (SM):

  • We're planning out full runs, smoothing out any last minute problem scenes, how tech week will look for the actors, and an additional rehearsal before tech week. ASMs are attending all rehearsals where line and blocking notes are needed

On the Verge (Spring Mainstage Show)

Leela Munsiff (Director):

  • This week for verge was kinda rough. I had to leave rehearsal Tuesday for health reasons and we had to cancel rehearsal Thursday for the same reason. Then both I and Seheni got sick so we directed Saturday and Sunday rehearsals over Zoom. It wasn't terrible but it wasn't great either. Our chat about expectations for actors and creative team moving forward didn't happen because of the photoshoot. Since availability the next two weeks is rough, we might just send out the feedback form now or send an email.

  • This week put us behind schedule which worries me, because we have a tech heavy show and a short tech week and I won't be there for the move-in weekend. But It'll be okay. I think the biggest obstacles we've been dealing with are scheduling and the mid-semester burnout. I think once directors can be in person, hopefull hopefully on tuesday, things will start to look up bc we can be more interactive and have some good laughs.

  • Dance rehearsal with Guin on Friday went great! We have another on Wednesday I'm excited for. Tysm Guin <3

  • I met with Jit Ping, we checked in with how we're feeling about the show and talked about scheduling. Seheni and I are going to meet before rehearsals start this week to go over some things. Seheni, Jit Ping, and I also met over zoom earlier today and we talked blocking and scene transitions for Act 1. We have to talk eith tech before finalizing some blocking, so wer're trying to schedule a director-TD meeting next week to go over that and a general check in.

  • That said, I'm really impressed with everyone's commitment to the show despite these setbacks (coughs in photoshoot). Actors are doing great with lines and are asking the right questions. Hel and Heather have been on the grind so I can't wait to see what they have. I'm excited to see what the producers are up to with promo now that we've talked about it. And it always feels good to start rehearsal knowing Seheni, Jit Ping, David, and Simone are there too which I am very grateful for.

Seheni Kariyawasan (AD):

  • none

Hel (co-TD):

  • none

Heather (co-TD):

  • painting blocks

  • unloaded wood

Daphne Parker (Producer):

  • rescheduling the photoshoot since it had to be canceled

Jit Ping Lee (SM):

  • scheduling is tough

  • soft off-book-ish

  • ASMs are doing line notes

  • marking out stage

  • rescheduling rehearsals after photoshoot was canceled

GM Prep

  • E-Board positions

  • nominations

  • reminders

    • pitch forms

    • BUSTies planning com

    • TA app


  • master plan