E-Board Check-ins
move-in for Deathtrap
saw Caesar
met with Rayna, Gabi, Maddie about Space storage
F&F interviews
booked rooms for Verge rehearsal
F&F pitch meeting
Amazon and SAO orders
saw Caesar
move-in for Deathtrap
F&F interviews
sent two email newsletters
posted and advertised GM 4
went to Caesar
move-in for Deathtrap
made forms for SAAD committee, TA application
F&F interviews
went to Caesar
move in for Caesar
move-in for Deathtrap
safety training for WM and OB
met with Emma, Gabi, Maddie about Space storage
Football Romeo photoshoot
F&F interviews
Deb is now on email list
Deathtrap (Spring Mainstage Show)
Brooke Iglar (Director):
four rehearsals this week
CT meeting about move-in
move-in today
tech issues working on it
tech week this week!
Zoe Larrimer (AD):
Grace Draghi (co-TD):
helped finish build week
put together fireplace
move-in for Deathtrap
Kaito (co-TD):
many build week
helped with Caesar move-in
Deathtrap move-in
paper tech
Sarah Valger (Producer):
Warren poster, GSU poster up
steady stream of ticket sales
IG takeovers
program will be finished before Wednesday
collecting final bios
decorating lobby on Wednesday
taking photos during dress rehearsal
(not) filming show on Saturday
Adie (SM):
four rehearsals
IG takeover
paper tech
move-in today
feeling prepared
On the Verge (Spring Mainstage Show)
Leela Munsiff (Director):
CT meeting about scheduling
postponed till next week
rescheduling CT days
tech week
rehearsals were better this week
big mess in previous weeks
set to finish show this week
exciting and nerves
terrible availability
sending feedback form about potential cast bonding and concerns
Seheni Kariyawasan (AD):
Hel (co-TD):
set dec painting
got costumes with Heather
done with costumes other than Amazon
need to talk to Jack about Amazon orders
TD meeting with Leela
CT meeting today
on same page!
clearing up props and costumes before photoshoot on Sunday
working on Deathtrap move-in and build
Heather (co-TD):
Daphne Parker (Producer):
photoshoot is next week
meeting with my assistants at some point this week to finish planning the thing out and creating a shot list.
will begin making all the graphics for promotions
Jit Ping Lee (SM):
rehearsals are going better
cast is good on lines
CT meeting
thinking about COVID testing
Division of Power for Verge:
reaching out to E-Board for it
will do it with Deathtrap
Division of Power Meeting
with Deathtrap and Verge
GM Prep: