Executive Board Minutes 2/13/22


  • Siena

    •  Did a lot of tech show stuff

    • Went to auction! 

  • Gavin

    •  Tech show stuff

    • Auction and hifbiss hehe

    • Started room bookings for this week

  • Emma

    •  Auction!!!!!!!!

      • Advertising

      • Setup

      • Dance

      • Did it

      • Got pied

      • Dope 

  • Liv

    •  Auction!

    • Tech show!

    • Submitted event requests for GF and TechShow

    • Planning to make the TS Eventbrite herself

  • Julia

    • Made Facebook event for Theatre in Auction

    • Promoted Theatre in Auction & Emailed about it

    • Went to auction, got pied lol

    • Promoted H&M Workshop

    • Starting to plan tech show instagram promo for the week

  • Katie

    •  Build week for GF

    • Tech show rehearsals and movein

    • H&M planning and did the workshop

    • Followed up with Eric

    • Sent lock info to Siena

  • Steve

    •  Went to auction and had a great time!

God’s Favorite

  • Will

    •  Lots of character work and pacing breakthroughs!

    • Off-book is next wednesday

    • Everyone’s ahead of the game!

    • Next week: runs runs runs!

  • Chris

    •  build week went well. We have the set ready, the only thing we need to do is cut some trim before move in next week. I met with more of the teams to talk about tech and they all seem very excited which is nice to see! Still need to meet with a few departments, but we have pretty much most of what we need. Very excited for next week!

  • Zoe

    •  Working out scheduling is going very well!

    • Working on move-in, tech week scheduling

    • Won’t be at move in - giving the key to an asm


  • Emma

    •  Two rehearsals this week, both went well!

    • Start blocking tuesday, very exciting

    • Set up a drive for the actors with calendars and notes

    • Went to tech meeting and creative team meeting

  • Claire

    •  Tech meeting went really well!

    • Lots of people showed up - most if not all heads were there!

    • Creative team meeting today went well too! Figured out a lot of budget stuff

    • Biggest Problem: ATDs are ghosting :(

      • Considering pulling Hal up if it isn’t too much work for them!

  • Carly

    •  Attended rehearsals, sent out emails

    • Sent Gavin rehearsals and rooms

    • Spent last week figuring out how to split time with tech show

    • Biggest problem: ASM is ghosting :(

  • Natalie

    •  This week I met with my assistant producers and gave an overview of the producing process, they all seem really excited to get started so I am looking forward to working with them! I also set the show budget with Claire and I will be sending out the department budget emails by tomorrow morning.


  • Julia

    •  Did character work and 3rd read through, all going really well!

    • Had to deal with a casting change but it seemed to resolve smoothly, glad it happened as early as it did

    • Went to tech meeting on saturday, great to meet everyone

    • Sent out an email with a bunch of line changes

    • Looking towards the future: blocking to really get underway in march, offbook then too

  • Leela

    •  I've finished all my blocking notes and Rayna, Julia and I are going to set up a time soon to go over blocking. The read-through Saturday went super well and we're going to give everyone line changes via email to have for next rehearsal. In case we can't get rooms for Monday for rehearsal since it is such a quick turnaround I offered my apartment in Allston for rehearsal because it's spacious so we can social distance. So far we've had 2 people at every rehearsal I think, which has been going really well and I'm sure we'll be able to keep this through the semester.

  • Priya

    •  Sent out a tech email for tech meeting

    • Met with Bill and Mack to discuss departments and budgets

    • Loves Mack

    • Tech meeting went really well! Only missed a few assistants! 

    • Set up the google drive, doing department meetings

  • Rayna

    •  Mack (ATD) came to read through which went really well!

    • Catching new cast member up with logistics

  • Bill

    •  Met with APs, created a poster and logo

    • Met with Priya and Mack to discuss budgets

    • Found someone to take pictures for photoshoot

    • Trying to figure out how to book field space

    • Attended a rehearsal

A note from Katie

  • Wanted to make sure that everyone participating is aware that strike is MANDATORY

  • If you don’t go to strike, you become a strike felon

    • Either you make it up at Space Cleaning or you go to another show’s strike

    • Otherwise you’re out

Distribution of money

  • Emailed Sarah and Chris about how much GF needs from what we raised at Auction

  • Neither has gotten back yet :/ but likely most of it is gonna go to Family Aid!

Light board

  • Possibility that Tsai lightboard gets donated to Student Theatre :0 :)

Theater paint

  • Requesting a paint job in the theater

  • Stage and wall behind it - patched with the wrong shade so we gotta fix that

SM Guide

  • Troupe alumni reached out with an SM guide from the past and asking about past recordings


  • Siena

    •  Continue revising SM guide with the guide Alison sent, respond to Alison

    • Reach out about theatre paint

    • Continue Katie’s fight for locks, mention how hockey players keep walking through the student theater space :(

  • Gavin

    •  Finish room bookings

    • Tech show stuff

  • Emma

    •  Finish checking in with people about auction stuff

    • Communicating with liv about who’s paid and who hasn’t

    • Going to tech show and only one rehearsal (tragic)

    • Finish writing F&F pitch form

  • Liv

    •  Put in event requests for Anne and Wolves

    • Tech show things

    • Pick up paint stuff

  • Julia

    •  Upload minutes bc I haven’t done that in a minute oops

    • Promote tech show and also do tech show

    • God’s Favorite promo too

  • Katie

    •  Tech show 

    • Find new ASM and ATD for Anne

    • Reach out to Lex about lighting workshop

  • Steve

    •  Start prepping calendars for next year!