Ran auditions and callbacks
Communicated with other presidents about auditions and casting
Sent katie casting materials
Got rooms for and worked auditions
Emailed directors and stage managers about scheduling
Met with some tech show tech people
Met with Family Aid on Monday
They’re setting up a fundraising page for us!
Going to follow up about that
Compiling auction list
Ran auditions and callbacks
Placed purchase orders for the space
Submitted rights for God’s Favorite
Met with OB TA and Treasurer (with Katie) for Producing Workshop planning
Editing producing guide
Worked on a producer timeline
Posted audition promo, cast lists, and tech meeting promo
Emailed callback and cast list links & put them on the website
Emailed tech meeting recap & GM recap
General tech meeting!
Working on tech list
Confirmed Carly as SM, SM meeting
Reached out to Cam for build workshop
Meetings for producing and H&M workshops
Callbacks and deliberations
God’s Favorite
Auditions, callbacks, casting!
Read-through happening literally now
Coming up with auction items
Family Aid Boston meeting last week
Onboarding an AP
Worked with Chris on tech vision
Production pictures end of this week / beginning of next week (producer Sarah working on some concepts)
Met with creative team, talked about visions
Getting ready for build week!
Scheduling a tech meeting ASAP.
We had auditions! They went well! We have a cast!
Created a schedule
Contacted cast, did first read through!
Went to tech meeting
Met with CT
Tech meeting!!!
Planning tech team meeting schedule with Priya
Can’t wait for tech form!
Went to callbacks and helped with that
Went to deliberations
Went to tech meeting and read through!
Became SM!
Went to auditions, callbacks, and deliberations
Talked scheduling with Emma
Went to tech meeting!
Read through!
Went to tech meeting
Had a creative team meeting yesterday, talked about each of our roles, set expectations for the process
We’re looking to schedule a division of power meeting for sometime mid february if possible
Will our move in be on easter sunday? Marmon?
We’re brainstorming bonding events and something to auction off at TiA!
Meeting leela and rayna before rehearsal on wednesday to talk rehearsal room
Meeting leela next weekend to block everything
I met with creative team for The Wolves and we discussed lots of important things! In preparation for our read through on Monday I'm going to look through the script and make notes for names/terms and pronunciation so we can move through the script quickly. Julia and I are meeting Wednesday to talk about rehearsal structure and discuss some big points in the script. I also have finished all my blocking notes so when Julia and I meet next weekend to talk about it we'll have lots of ideas! Let me know if there's anything else I can do!
Creative team meeting went well! Went through lots of details like dates, visions, etc
Tech meeting went well too!
Talking about set design with Julia
Auditions and callbacks!
Creative team meeting was great
Working on a general calendar and scheduling
Organized a producer folder, budget, promo, etc
Went to creative team meeting
Announcement from Liv
Tell your actors to come to the producer workshop! Get your picture taken! Have some fun!
Photoshoot Location
Locations used in the past?
Outside locations?
Ideas for God’s Favorite
Wanting to recreate biblical photos
Might do something green-screen related?
Liv will reach out to Andrea for help
Tech Recruitment
Ask people to do tech!
Tech list as of now is looking bare-bones