Finished calendar events
Closed F&F forms and reached out to applicants
Corresponded with SAO, meeting with Presidents tomorrow
25Live training (woo!)
Ahhhh in person makes me eeeeeeee
Radio show for Clue
Talked to FYSOP regarding Character Arc or ST panel thing
Emailed yearbook - pausing until school year starts
Worked on some Canva ideas
Posting Character Arc Promo and Spotlights
Emails about fall shows and promoting applications
Made Space schedule
Monitoring applications, not much action
Character Arc check-ins
Nothing to report, just vibing between shows
Emailed: planning to reach out to teams soon regarding in person performances
Going to send new graphic with revised dates
August performance
Now scheduled for August 6th
Will update on producing end, Facebook event, etc
How to get things back up and running again
Stella making a schedule
Assuming they’ll be okay
FYSOP Performance
Still in the works on communicating with PMs, figuring out what we could do
If not, revival show Sep. 4th could be in person??
SAO, Allocations Board
Crystal emailed about all groups’ fall dates
OB needs to add their dates, Siena meeting with presidents tomorrow to finalize
Moving forward with in-person events, still waiting on any specific restrictions
Allocations Board
Allocates funds through SAO to student groups
Steve: we usually do apply, even if we’re rejected the funding opportunity is great
Liv: Sunny said we probably don’t have to apply, but we can discuss further
Katie: A new lightboard would be lovely.
We expect SAO to fund most of F&F