Met with other presidents
Made theater-wide drives
Kendall take Isa’s personal email out
Set up Q&A for Director’s workshop
Went to tech show
Following up with people about TA event
Finished with Eventbrite stuff for ED
Waiting on a response from Project Heal
Has access to all of the show webinars!
Already Home - hasn’t heard back from Charlotte
Class gift info
Posted about tech show
Facebook event
Updated website
Tech Show!
Went to tech meetings for the other two shows
Heard back from Tsai about next semester
Show Check-Ins
ED is going great!
Cast is doing great, integrating some tech elements!
The show is a lot longer than expected
It’s been running ~1.5 hours
Probably will have an intermission too
Tech meeting today, tech has been coming to rehearsals!
Slowly but surely problem solving
Fun, productive!
Producing creative vision will start soon (Sunny and Kendall)
Costumes and Props came to rehearsal
Gorges Motel
Started blocking - entrances, exits, etc.
Issue: really difficult scheduling 17 actors, people keep forgetting
Going to start sending “don’t forget” texts
Tech meeting!!
Cast and crew zoom bonding :,)
First all-tech meeting!!!
Scheduling department meetings for next week
Talking with Natalie and Zach about specifics
Laser Show
Last scene - ideal option would be to have one actor in the theater with two lights people (Chris and Brad) to record that scene and screen share at the end
Can we do that?
Isa will send an email to Bryan to see if it’s possible
Maybe we could get it for a weekend (Fri night to Sun night)
8 people
Timeline: weekend in March
Would probably need to have the student theater for a week, to get everything set up
BUT Formal
When do we want it to be?
How are we gonna do it?
Wandering Minds had some fun creative ideas!!!
Right now everyone’s functioning under the assumption that F&F is happening
Won’t be using Tsai for LfA classes
Tentatively slotting Troupe in for a reservation that week
Might want to sketch out what a calendar would look like for next semester
What pitches will we accept? When?
Next season voting
...Next Year???
When do we have to have things figured out?
If this were a normal year, next week we’d pick when we want the ST
A normal F&F would be a biiiig undertaking especially coming right out of COVID
If we feel like we couldn’t handle that in the fall, that’s okay!!!
Isa will ask Bryan what the plan is for the Student Theater next semester
We should figure out what Troupe’s priorities should be if we return to semi-normal programming
Number of shows, types of shows, etc.
We are probably not equipped to handle a normal season even if things do go back to normal - missing a couple years of learning by doing
Contingency plans - need to be in place as people pitch
Don’t want what happened last fall to happen again, where people don’t know what they’re pitching for
Take this week, all come in next week with thoughts on what the priorities should be
Where the group will be, where the world will be
Summer plans
It was kinda a lot, we could hopefully scale back and make sure nobody is burnt out - help the new eboard with that
Assume that it will be virtual, return of STVSF?
(Orientation is online)
Maybe more of an association with orientation?
Better to scale it back and be consistent
Elements of Theater Workshops
Directing Panel - Q&A is out!
Isa will send questions to the panelists beforehand
Group message with Kendall, Carrie, and Siena
Have documents available to share with people
People will ask about the fall pitch process
We can say that it’s not fully planned yet
Also can gauge interest in pitches? Are people interested in person, online, etc
Could do online things in the future!
Gauge interest in big F&F, preferences on productions we’ve done so far
Isa talked to her mom about formatting for her panel!
Want to organize 2-3 singers to do a Masterclass sorta thing
Little about her background, how to prepare a piece
Contemporary music
Getting a feel for membership’s current feelings about next year
Freeing way to communicate with membership
They can get specific, express exactly how they feel
Safe space to tell eboard what they thought of last/this semester
Kendall will send this out in an email to the membership tomorrow hopefully
Updates at the bottom of what else is going on in Troupe!!!
And post it everywhere too
Check Outs
Think about Troupe and the world <3
Email Bryan Adams about student theater for Gorges Motel
Asking about student theater plans for LfA
Monitoring Elements form
Think about Troupe and the world <3
Will send Sunny reimbursement
Think about Troupe and the world <3
Wait for Isa to tell about the president’s meeting, reach out to counterparts about BUT formal
Think about Troupe and the world <3
Rob’s reimbursement
Still waiting on Project Heal
Might have to ask Sage about another group :/
Think about Troupe and the world <3
Make form
Send out email
Theater wide drive stuff
Make Elements event and promote it
Prepare myself for the panel
Help Nhi out with ED stuff
Edit show recording for Tech Show
Think about Troupe and the world <3
Think about Troupe and the world <3
Develop some questions to talk about next week!