Show Check Ins
Directors: Evan P and Carrie W
Happy “would’ve been” tech week
Going to make a post about it
Choreographer: Michele O
No check in at present time
TD: Katie G
Most departments have turned stuff in for ST Creates
SM: Katie H
No check in at present time
Producers: Marion C and Juliette H
No check in at present time
Eboard Check Ins
President: Kim
Transition Meeting with Isa
Sat in on BUSTIEs planning meeting
Reached out to theatre groups re: summit
If/Then tech things
VP: Siena
Transition meeting with Robert
Booked fall auditions holding room
VPSP: Devon
Met with Natalie- sent her VPSP guide
Monitoring shirt order
BUSTIEs meeting
Natalie is running SAAD (saad) committee
Treasurer: Kendall
Met with Sunny
Went through treasurer guide- want to rewrite some parts of it
Talked to DPS re: Crimes
Sent Great Gatsby rights contract
Applied for Fly by Night rights
Some trouble applying for Steel Magnolias rights
Secretary: Abbey
Sent GM 4 recap email
Sharing ST Creates submissions on Troupe media
Posted alumni spotlight
Talked to Robert and Kendall re: designing season announcement graphics
Sent email to fall producers re: Fall 2019 recordings
Made BUSTIEs event template
Helped Kendall reset Concord Theatricals password
TA: Zach
Sent out TA application and posted in FB group
Got submissions for Stage Troupe Creates