Show Check Ins
Mamma Mia will be doing their show check outs next week.
Five Women Wearing the Same Dress
Director: Miranda M
Blocked the whole show
Everyone’s doing really well with being off book when asked
Handled come conflict difficulties
Everyone is super excited to begin promoting the how
AD- Kiana C
Hard off book is Saturday, doing full run
TD: Chris D
Currently at Mamma Mia strike
Met with Tim and mapped out Build Week schedule
Starting as early as possible so there’s little overlap with 9 to 5
Meeting with other departments and creative team soon
SM: Ariana T
Mamma Mia was great!
Blocked the whole show
Working through lines currently
Sent Siena rehearsal schedule
Settled conflicts with actors
ASMs are good- teaching them a lot
Creative Team is free from 8-9 to meet
Potentially opening up a weekend rehearsal for crew to come to
Producer: Evan P
Congrats to Mamma Mia on a fabulous show!
Soft launching Facebook, Instagram, WeChat, and Wibo pages on Tuesday, along with a teaser
Wednesday is our full out ad campaign launch
BUS ads launching Thursday
Currently working on a QR code for all media that we release
Crimes of the Heart
Director: Doran K
Blocked the whole show
Working on getting off book- actors are very dedicated
Planned out November schedule
TD: Liz S
Finalized set design
Doing the wood order with Devon this week
Having some department meetings as well
SM: Matt D
Talked about November scheduling with Doran
Waiting on November conflicts from cast
All is good!
Producer: Devon M
Talked to assistant producers- meeting on Tuesday re: photo shoot
Meeting w/ Liz re: wood order
Sent emails to department head
Have graphic all set
FB and Instagram launching in November
E-board Check Ins:
President: Kim
Did assistant hair and makeup for Mamma Mia
Held productive OHs
Keeping in contact with creative teams
Attended Haunted House meeting
VP: Siena
Did set dec for Mamma Mia
Communicated w/ Ariana re: rehearsal rooms
Got Student Theater room bookings from Erin
Took ver reading committee
VPSP: Devon
Delegated reading committee to Siena
One Acts
Received all pitches
Decided on shows
Need to talk to directors about auditions
Going to SAO to register it on Engage
Haunted House
Lots of meeting this week
Have the wishlist to send out
Sent graphics to Abbey
Iva is doing a photoshoot this week
Looked through the Space for things we need
Treasurer: Chrissy
Mamma Mia producing dropped off poster to Shiney- she posted it on Friday in the GSU that wasn’t the original intention, but it worked out
Went to Mamma Mia on Friday— did and helped with a bunch of producing stuff there
Fixed the Eventbrite and ticket allocations
Submitted the event forms for the mainstages
Waiting on approval and Eventbrite link for Five Women for Evan
Haunted House Eventbrite is live
Secretary: Abbey
Did hair and makeup during Mamma Mia tech week- did as much as possible remotely
Sent an email extending comp tickets to the other BU Theatre E-boards
Posted a LOT about Mamma Mia
Reaching out to Robert about the rest of the promo photos (he’s in TN at the moment)
Answered emails re: ticketing, forwarded to SABO as necessary
Made event drafts for Haunted House, GM 3, remaining mainstages, just so they’re there. Launching Haunted house event tomorrow and Five Women on Wednesday
Updated calendar on the website
TA: Zach
At Mamma Mia strike