Show Check-Outs:
The Nerd
Director: Flannery G.
An amazing process
Being a smaller cast, having lots of conflicts was challenging for productivity and staying positive; for future directors, find balance between being understanding of conflicts and emphasizing the commitment you make when you join a show
Always try to make new members feel welcome and a part of Troupe
Learned that you always need to work with your team rather than against, no matter how frustrated you might feel
TD: Zach L.
At the beginning of the process, would have liked to have had tech lists announced sooner
Lots of problems with SAO
For future TDs: meet with set designer and MC earlier on to have extra time for wood order
SM: Rachel R.
First time as an SM—very different from being an ASM
Challenged by leadership role, but learned a lot and enjoyed growing with the team
Agrees with helping new members feel more welcome
Great having two assistants and learning from each other
Producer: Ruth J.
Not first producing experience, but first experience with Stage Troupe
Relied on assistants a lot, and they did wonderfully
Maybe fall producers should meet with Chrissy and revamp producer’s handbook
Enjoyed getting to work on a comedy and with such a great team; very rewarding
A few more shirts to hand out
Show Check-Ins
Hair: The American Tribal Love-Rock Musical
Director: Syd R.
Had first soft off-book on Wednesday; went well
Moved hard off-book run due to absences
Photoshoot yesterday was fun and pain-free
Really really pleased with how everything has turned out—thank you to producers
Ahead of schedule—tech week off to a good start
Cast made protest posters for promotional material
MD: Ben C.
Actors still getting used to the click track
Sitzprobe coming up on Saturday
Attended photoshoot
little worried about transitioning equipment into Student Theater; band has minimal space backstage
Choreographer: Arielle K.
Got a lot done this week
Got shirts from producers and they are amazing!
Today was last major cleaning day
TD: Brian R.
Received wood order on Friday
Paint has still not been delivered; calling SAO and Home Depot on Monday
Most POs are in
Got the wigs in time with photoshoot and they look great
Had final tech meeting; trying to make sure all of crew gets their photos taken for lobby
A little behind on costuming
Reviewing light plot
ASM: Harrison R.
Soft off-book went really well; cast is working so hard
Producers: Andrea R.
Had photoshoot yesterday! Really happy with outcome
Had Facebook takeover today
Sent out shirt order form to cast
Eventbrite link will be released to public on Wednesday to give cast and crew friends and family priority with getting tickets
Due to time constraints, E-Board forewent regular check-ins today.