Show Check-Ins
F&F: Footloose
Director: Babatunde A.
A little over halfway done with all material
Struggling with conflicts and sick cast members, but able to adjust rehearsal schedules
AD: Abbey M.
Ran rehearsals in Babatunde’s absence
Navigated around lots of illness this week
Show is about halfway done!
Sending out a schedule for this week
MDs: James R. and Doug B.
All but one song is taught and done; cast is off-book for music
Lots of pit rehearsals coming up
First sitzprobe is next Monday
Still looking for a replacement for guitar two
Lots of one-on-one’s with cast members during office hours
TD: Jake T.
Lighting plot finalized and submitted to Tsai; LDs are incredible
Wood order is in; keeping tabs with SAO
Met with each department individually; everyone squared away
Went to safety training with SAO and with Alicia
Everything going really well
SMs: Lena J. and Jen M.
Had hands full, but having Matt as ASM is very helpful
Had to work around a lot of sickness
Blocking notes system has proved super useful
Jen sent out an email with reminders about dates, including soft and hard off-book, strike, etc.
Producer: Kendall G.
Poster looks great!
Hit a road bump with the Warren poster; Chrissy is helping resolve
Hoping to order some t-shirts
Planning headshot photoshoot, trailer filming, etc.
Cami is doing a lot of work in the budget and tech aspects
Choreographer: Kim Z.
Ran an intimacy workshop with Babatunde and Abbey for Marcella and Joel
Held dance office hours
Collaborated with Jackson for his solo dance number
Cast is doing an incredible job with the choreo—super proud!
The Nerd
Director: Flannery G.
Going well overall; working on navigating some conflicts and establishing understanding with cast
Made it through all of act one and part of act two with blocking
This week is soft off-book; hard off-book is after Columbus Day
Got to meet with cast (either one-on-one or in groups) with cast to talk about characters and process
Went to a tech meeting and a producing meeting
Starting to brainstorm ideas for promotional material
TD: Zach L.
Had second tech meeting today
Made a sign-up sheet for department meetings; almost all meetings have been scheduled
Got keys from Alicia at Board
SM: Rachel R.
Hoping to meet with second ASM this week
Rehearsals are on track in terms of goals
Working on keeping a balance of energy and focus in rehearsal environment
Returned statements of expectations to Erin at Board
AP: Alba C.
Attended producing meeting with other APs
Michelle will be sending out budget allocation to department heads and Zach presently
Trying to set a deadline for purchase orders—maybe this Friday?
Discussed wood order
Hair: The American Tribal Love-Rock Musical
Director: Syd R.
Rehearsals have been terrific!
Reviewed music for all of act one
Scripts have arrived and necessary line changes have been noted
Will finish planning blocking by Wednesday—should provide a better idea of costume and props needs
Attended tech meeting with Arielle, met most of tech team; meeting with Brian on Tuesday
MD: Ben C.
Cast is learning incredibly fast
Starting to distribution pit music
Starting pit rehearsals this Saturday
Choreographer: Arielle K.
Had full creative team meeting
Discussed line changes for specific characters
Finishing blocking tomorrow
This week will be very choreo-heavy
Talked to actors that are in some of the more sensitive pieces about the choreography to stay on the same page
TD: Brian R.
Had first tech meeting today—it was great
Did a lot of work organizing the tech drive
Meeting with Syd Tuesday to go through script and tech
Communicated with department heads about To-Dos
Meeting with producers this week to solidify budgets, deadlines, etc.
Visited rehearsal this week
SM: Ariana T.
Received all statements of expectations from cast and creative team
Had full creative team meeting to talk about tech, producing, show vision, etc.
Still looking at dates to ask Erin for access to the Student Theater for rehearsals
Producers: Andrea R. and Sage H.
Met the creative team; had brainstorming session for promotional material
Thinking about designs for posters, shirts, stickers, etc.
Met with Chrissy to talk about budgets
Sending out emails soon to department heads re: budget allocations and purchase orders
Open Board Business:
Brian R.
Came to Board to follow up with lighting board proposal. Originally intended to make more progress with E-Board on this proposal over the summer, but as circumstances have been pushed back the conversation, perhaps we can discuss alternative solutions for the problems with the current board.
Alicia: from the tech perspective, a new board could definitely be beneficial. We might consider looking at alternative board options that are more suitable to our current light inventory. Another option would be to service our existing lighting board and/or current lights. Training people fully in how to use the current board could prove extremely helpful.
E-Board Check-Ins:
President: Alba
Went to SAO safety training
Wrote for COMBAT and worked the lobby; helped with strike
Attended tech meetings
VP: Erin
Sent emails out to start planning the diversity workshop
Had Zoe reach out to the Chinese Theater Group
Did tech for COMBAT
Went to Hair tech meeting
Talking to Rachel about getting the nerd into the student theater
might stop by Hair rehearsal this week
VPSP: Ariana
Heard from Erin Murdock re: potential fundraising opportunities; could be a good opportunity for Charity Show
COMBAT: checked in with all five groups on Friday and again on Saturday (would highly recommend future VPSPs check in on groups to make sure everyone is having fun and doing okay!)
Overall, COMBAT went well and was lots of fun!
Treasurer: Chrissy
Performed in combat
Went to SAO re: mics for Footloose; asked about extending PO deadlines
Gave Syd Hair scripts and sent materials contracts
Had producing meetings with The Nerd and Hair teams; will set up more meetings soon to make up for absences
Gave The Nerd and Hair TD’s show budget allocations
Made budget spreadsheets with reimbursement organizer—will send presently
Wood order for Footloose is all set
Footloose Warren poster in waitlist
Secretary: Kim
Shared Tech Olympics sign-up sheet
Posted a lot of promotional material for COMBAT on Friday and Saturday
TD: Alicia
Working out adds and drops with tech lists
most of safety trainings are completed
Did writing and tech for COMBAT; thanks to all who helped with strike
Working out a schedule with Ruby so she can get into The Space to clean up OB’s corner
Added a padlock to the TA cabinet
Had all the tech meetings; looking forward to department meetings
Sent contracts to Chrissy and Babatunde for Footloose materials