Show Check-Ins
F&F: Footloose
Director: Babatunde A.
Paper tech on Saturday
Held cast bonding on Saturday
Getting costumes set up; cast knows what to bring
AD: Abbey M.
Had run-throughs all last week in Student Theater
Had move-in today
Moving forward, trying to reduce stress and be efficient
MDs: James R. and Doug B.
Had last pit rehearsal and act 2 sitzprobe
Finished all orchestrations
TD: Jake T.
SMs: Lena J. and Jen M.
Had division of power talk with Alba
Talked amongst creative team about boosting morale, finishing strong
Returned Student Theater keys
Producer: Kendall G.
Put out Facebook promo material including headshots, spotlights, and dancing trailer
Next video will be out this week
Lobby and programs in progress
Worked out Warren poster
Choreographer: Kim Z.
Holding lots of office hours
Caught up on what we weren’t able to do last week
Workshopped intimacy choreography for “Girl Gets Around” with Babatunde, Abbey, Marcella, and Joel
Went to sitzprobe and cast bonding on Saturday
The Nerd
Director: Flannery G.
Moved hard off-book date back two days
Working on staying focused during rehearsal so as not to fall behind schedule
Held cast bonding; cast gets along super well
TD: Zach L.
Checked in with producer: wood order is still pending
If it doesn’t come soon enough, can work with what is in the Space
Made a schedule for build week; sent it to Alicia
Will make sugar plates on Thursday
Waiting to hear back from department heads to schedule meetings
SM: Rachel R.
Had a frustrating rehearsal on Friday, but after having a talk, everyone is working together to find resolutions
Running lines with cast members
Rehearsal will be longer on Saturday to get through more material
Producer: Ruth J.
Warren poster almost done
Working on t-shirt design
Checking on wood order in SAO tomorrow
Bios are due today; will start working on creating program soon
Will attend rehearsals
Hair: The American Tribal Love-Rock Musical
Director: Syd R.
Nice to work in the Student Theater and give the actors a sense of the space they will be working in
Music is done
Met with producers; tech meeting is later today
Planning first photoshoot and next cast bonding
Performing at Drag on Fire
MD: Ben C.
Cast is learning incredibly fast
Starting to distribution pit music
Starting pit rehearsals this Saturday
Choreographer: Arielle K.
Busy dance week
Ran 40 minutes of the show at a long rehearsal today
Cancelled rehearsal on Friday to give everyone a break
TD: Brian R.
Have a tech meeting tonight
Starting to have department meetings
Put wood order in
SM: Ariana T.
Cancelled Friday rehearsal to give two days off and give the cast a chance to rest
Moved into Student Theater; made sure everyone respected the theater
Met with the producers to plan the photoshoot
Hair cast decided to change their Facebook media for Footloose this week
Producers: Andrea R. and Sage H.
Met with AP
Warren poster is done and submitted for printing; spot is reserved
Made and ordered stickers based off of Syd’s design
Sent out bio forms for programs yesterday
Open Board Business:
E-Board Check-Ins:
President: Alba
Went to Footloose build and watched a night of rehearsal
Helped paint the stage
Helped with load-in for Footloose
VP: Erin
Gave Student Theater keys to Jen for Footloose
Stopped by Footloose rehearsals with candy to boost morale
Gave Student Theater keys to Ariana
Picked up paint with Alicia
Booked some rooms
Footloose move-in and tech week
Went to Hair tech meeting
Sent out more diversity workshop emails
VPSP: Ariana
Sent out survey for feedback on COMBAT
Worked on set dec for Footloose—lots of fun
Footloose move-in
Talked with Shaina to reschedule kickball: looking at dates in spring
Trying to plan a Troupe dodgeball game
Working on One Acts scheduling (auditions, pitch deadline)
Treasurer: Chrissy
Finally met with entire Hair producing team
Submitted updated Orgsync event for Footloose
Met with Shiney James—putting the Footloose poster in the GSU Link; gives producers opportunity to move it to the lobby during performances as well; also talked about planning a flash mob
Got Footloose onto the F&F weekend itineraries
renting iPads for producers for at-door ticket sales; picking up credit card readers from SAO tomorrow; will teach producers how to use them
Submitted Eventbrite forms for The Nerd and Hair
Sent Carrie producing materials to Kobi
Made pitch intent forms for spring; sent them to Kim
Received approval and confirmation for SPS mics; meeting up with Jake tomorrow to pick them up and bring them to Tsai
Talked with Babatunde and Kendall about potential Footloose flash mob
Secretary: Kim
Helped paint stage
Sharing Footloose promo from producing team
sent out GM email
TD: Alicia
Getting together rental agreements and contracts for various groups
Got paint for stage in the Student Theater; painted the stage
Bought sandpaper attachments for electric sander
Working with OB to coordinate build schedules for The Nerd and Carrie
This week was Footloose build and move-in; drove U-Haul back
Will not be here next week
Gave key contract to Alicia
Former Troupie Kathleen Walsh will be at 100 Bay State tomorrow to talk with people about job opportunities in media