Show Check-Ins:
- The Flick
- Director: Lucy
- Amazing process. Everything went remarkably smoothly.
- Surprise-- there are chairs in 700 Beacon St. Good tip for One Acts.
- Being a director and on E-Board was a challenge, but doable.
- Had a ton of fun.
- SM: Abby
- Great process. Amazing tech week.
- Creative team was really great to work with.
- ASMs were consistently outstanding. Both called parts of the last show.
- Calling the show while running projector is not ideal.
- There was an issue last night with people trying to interrupt the show backstage.
- Really enjoyed working on the show.
- TD: David
- Had a wonderful time. Everyone was great to work with.
- Crew was all super capable and very attentive.
- Got many compliments on tech.
- E-Board was great.
- Issue with Space before Move-In.
- Producers: Angelica and Tori
- Working with creative team was amazing.
- Andy was super helpful.
- Ran so smoothly.
- Assistants were incredible. Everything was done on time and done so well.
- Director: Lucy
- One Acts
- Taylor
- Had 2 rehearsals and set a soft off book date.
- Maggie and Erin
- Going beautifully.
- Script is written. Actors have it.
- Have an MD.
- Scheduling rehearsals.
- TD: Kendall
- Met with all the directors. They were super nice and cooperative.
- Had meeting with Set Dec.
- Meetings have been scheduled.
- SMs: Lena and Jennifer
- Started texting the directors.
- Setting up meetings and rehearsal attendance.
- Taylor
E-Board Check-Ins:
- President: Chris
- Tech week for The Flick.
- Had the theater reservation meeting. It went extraordinarily well. No crossover with other groups.
- VP: Evan
- Participated in reading committee.
- Put in reservations for GM 3, GM 4 and theater dates for next semester.
- VPSP: Abby
- Organized reading committee. Meetings were great.
- Got Charity Show pitches.
- Theater meeting happened.
- Week next semester where there are no shows. Maybe Theater Formal week?
- Treasurer: Andy
- Also participated in reading committee.
- Sent producer stuff for One Acts.
- Issues with Home Depot.
- Change with SAO requiring debit card statements.
- Got rental agreements for OB.
- AB application is due on the 19th.
- Made finance presentation for the GM.
- Did sound for The Flick this week.
- Producers were amazing all semester.
- Secretary: Lucy
- Sent out reminder email about GM.
- Made Facebook event for GM.
- Received pitches and posted them to the blog.
- Promoted The Flick.
- Emailed with Orientation staff about them coming to a GM.
- TA: Caitlin
- Met with Kendall about TDing.
- Opening Space for Day of Kindness people tomorrow.
- Need new screws and drillbits.
- Sending out TD recaps soon.
- Have keys back from both LD and David.
- Theater was open this morning.
- Wrote up agreement with OB about cleaning the Space.
- Many issues with lighting board.