Acting/Directing Opportunities!


The Directors of the One Act 'Early Morning' are seeking one male to fill the role of Detective Diamantini in their show. The cast is only two people, it is a low time
commitment, and would be a great opportunity to explore a new acting role. If this
interests you, please come to THE SPACE on Tuesday, November 15th from 5pm-6pm to
audition! It will be a cold reading, so just print out an audition form and bring your best!

One Acts take place December 2nd-3rd so make sure you are FREE that weekend before you audition!


Interested in Directing, but a little nervous about the process/how to go about it? The Directors of 'Speech and Debate' and 'In the Next Room or The Vibrator Play' are looking for Assistant Directors! Each is searching for someone passionate about the piece (that has read it) with a strong vision who can help them throughout the process. If this excites you email:

Jimmy Blackmon (Speech and Debate) at
Melissa D'Anna (In the Next Room) at

Ask them any questions you may have/for copies of the scripts!!!
Melissa is also seeking a Dramaturg, so email her if this piques your interest as well.



I must teach myself never to say Hedda Gabler again.

They will come--with vine leaves in their hair to see one of the most renowned dramas of all time:

Written by Henrik Ibsen
Directed by Marcus Doyle
Technically Directed by Marissa Cheifetz

Performances will be held in the Agganis Student Theater at 925 Commonwealth Avenue (right in the alleyway between FitRec and the Arena) on:
Thursday, November 10th at 8pm
Friday, November 11th at 8pm and
Saturday, November 12th at 8pm

Tickets are $6 for general admission and $5 for Stage Troupe Members and can be purchased at the Student Activities Desk on the second floor of the GSU, or at the door. Tickets are going fast, so get them while you can!

This play has been performed thousands of times, but this productionis guaranteed to be more visually captivating and breathtaking than any you have ever seen. The story of a woman desperate to break free from societal constraints is suspenseful and moving all at the same time.

This is an incredible opportunity and you have THREE chances to watch it, so get on that "pleasure train" and see this inspiring piece of work.

"After this, I will be quiet."



Early Morning
Doris- Melinda Frimpong
Diamantini- Keaton Goldsmith

The Best Chef America Food Channel Cook Book
Andy- Melanie Adams
Pate- Kaitlyn Brunner

Dr. Essex- Lindsay Kopit
Smitty- Zak Eisenberg
Subject 1- Joe Gambino
Subject 2- Marisa Kent
Subject 3- Vishaal Reddy

Baby Talk
Baby- Chris Hamilton
Alice- Amy Sullivan
Psychiatrist- Allie Romano
Husband- Albert Paez

The Rumor
Chuck Bonner- Sam Hoffman
Chris Tingley- Roman Perry
Larry Wakefield- Jimmy Blackmon
PR Flack- Christina Clay
Reporter 1- Isabella Walpole
Reporter 2- Arielle Dizon

Small World
Man 1- Antonio Tombari
Man 2- Preston Weir
Man 3- Patrick Bryant
Woman 1- Kelly Duffy
Woman 2- Katie Diekhaus
Woman 3- Brittany Gutierrez



'Columbinus' Directed by Chris Hamilton (Proceeds going to GLSEN)
'In the Next Room or The Vibrator Play' Directed by Melissa D'Anna
'Speech and Debate' Directed by Jimmy Blackmon
'Farragut North' Directed by Molly Bourque

The other super exciting news of the evening...
The Best Chef America Food Channel Cook Book - Julie Kaminski, Kelly Dickinson
Baby Talk: A Case Study in One Act - Andrew Smith
The Rumor - Celia Gibson
Early Morning - Travis Cherry, Margot Mache
Meat - Lauren Kolodkin
Small World - Marissa Cheifetz, Hanna Wasserman

There are six one acts, multiple parts, and nothing to prepare so come and audition! BE SURE TO BRING AN AUDITION FORM FOUND HERE
(E-Board does not have enough paper in their print quotas).

But seriously, audition. IT'S SO MUCH FUN and a FABULOUS opportunity to do something
small before the semester ends.

If you would like to TECH One Acts email our TA Dani at, and if you would like to PRODUCE email our Treasurer Allie at




This meeting is incredibly important as we will be VOTING ON THE SHOWS FOR OUR SPRING 2012 SEASON as well as ANNOUNCING OUR FALL ONE ACTS!!

Auditions for One Acts are set to take place Monday, November 7th- Wednesday November 9th, and the details of how they work/where they are/what they entail will be discussed in greater detail at the meeting.

If you wish to tech One Acts please email our TA Dani Freiberg at If you would like to produce, email our Treasurer Allie at One Acts is a great way to get involved in something small at the end of the semester with all of your friends, so don't be shy!


This is a really fun game of cat and mouse involving all Troupies. You are given a target and you must eliminate that target by 'killing' them (with a clothespin). It's insane, fun, and crazy, so SIGN UP!!! The only way you can sign up is by attending our next GM. I repeat....IF YOU DO NOT COME TO THE GM YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO PLAY ASSASSINS (unless you bribe Marcus with a latte). You will regret it, I assure you.

The message of this email is simple...ATTEND OUR NEXT GENERAL MEETING THIS SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 6TH AT 7PM IN THE STUDENT THEATER!!!! It is the most important meeting of the semester where our democratic system is working at it's finest, but we NEED ALL OUR TROUPIES THERE! YOU get to decide what goes up next semester, YOU get to hear about other fabulous acting/teching/producing opportunities, and YOU get to run for your life in Assassins. I really don't see what could be a better way to procrastinate from your work.


We'll never really be safe again.

WATCH OUT!!! They're everywhere....

Looking for something frightening this Halloween weekend, but sick of the same old scary movies? Eager to see some live blood and gore? Then come check out Stage Troupe's Production of...

Written by Tracy Letts
Directed by Chris Hamilton
Technically Directed by Chris Gilmore

Performances will be held in the Agganis Student Theater at 925 Commonwealth Avenue (right in the alleyway between FitRec and the Arena) on:
Thursday, October 27th at 8pm
Friday, October 28th at 8pm and
Saturday, October 29th at 8pm

Tickets are $6 for general admission and $5 for Stage Troupe Members and can be purchased at the Student Activities Desk on the second floorof the GSU, or at the door. This show is going to be KILLER so it's best that you get them NOW!

It's an edge of your seat psychological thriller that can't be overlooked. Skip the haunted house or Paranormal Activity 3, and get immersed in the horror yourself. You know you're curious, and we guarantee you'll cringe.

Get scared.


Fall 2011 Tech Assignments!!!

A Little Night Music

Technical Director – Tom Murphy

Assistant Technical Director (ATD) – Jon Christianson

ATD – Shiran (Michelle) Chen

Stage Manager – Ally Edgar and Marissa Cheifetz

ASM – Macie Spear and Cilicia Rios

Set Designer – Marcus Doyle and Brittany Haynes

Ass. Set Designer- Sophia Michael

Master Carpenter – Preston Weir

Set Dec – Brittany Haynes

Ass. Set Dec – Meredith Lawrence, Allegra Thalef, Sarah Kotowski and Sophia Michael

Lighting Design – Mike Carollo

Ass. Lighting Design – Andrew Farrell, Morgan Wilday and Keithlyn Parkman

Sound Design – Roman Perry and Joe Gambino

Ass. Sound – Nick Boccuzzi and Drew Salad

Costumes – Katrina DeRosa and Katie Rangel

Ass. Costumes – Jacqueline Babitt, Veronica Beaudoin and Juliette Vandane

Hair and Makeup – Katy Meyer

Ass. Hair and Makeup – Jocelyn Ho, Christine O’ Connor and Cat Principe

Props – Jess Couture and Leora Klachkin

Ass. Props – Kim Curhan and Nicole Yetke

Build/Run- Dani Freiberg, Cameron Brody, Arka Pain, Julie Kaminski, Carling Monder, Kevin Ang, Kat Pernicone, Josh Howard, Melanie Adams, Phillip Kim, Xander Pinto


TD – Chris Gilmore

ATD – Hannah Wasserman

SM – Jordan Breyfogle and Brittany Gutierrez

ASM – Candace Phillips

Set Design – Preston Weir

Ass. Set Design – Sam Hoffman and Shiran (Michelle) Chen

Master Carpenter – Andrew Smith

Set Dec – Courtney Licata

Ass. Set Dec – Kelly Dickinson, Zoraida Cabrerra and Anna Tran

Lighting Design – Carling Monder

Ass. Lighting Design – Alex Williams, Drew Salad and Morgan Wilday

Sound – Rose Perriello and Sarah Kotowski

Costumes – Katie Rice

Asst. Costumes – Kyra Leonardi and Kim Curhan

Hair and Makeup – Arielle Dizon and Hannah Michlmayr

Ass Hair and Makeup – Allegra Thalef and Jocelyn Ho

Props – Vijayta

Ass Props – Cat Principe and Juliette Vandane

Gore – Dani Freiberg

Gore Team – Colleen Gamore, Allison Macika, Melanie Adams, Christine O’Connor, Katy Meyer and Abi Oshins

Build/Run – Caroline Thompson, Alec Nicholson, Kevin Ang, Keithlyn Parkman, Alex Sweeter, Phillip Kim, Jake Shauli and Clark

Hedda Gabler

TD – Marissa Cheifetz

ATD – Katie Rangel and Jessica Nguyen

SM – Allison Crisostomo

ASM – Lauren Kolodkin, Zoreida Cabrerra and Anna Tran

Master Carpenter – Chris Gilmore

Set Design – Courtney Licata

Ass. Set Design – Colleen Gamore

Set Dec – Courtney Licata

Ass. Set Dec – Allie Romano, Alex Williams, Keithlyn Parkman and Alex Sweeter

Lighting Design – Jake Shauli

Ass. Lighting Design – Jessica li, Rose Perriello and Carl Welch

Sound Design – Roman Perry and Mike Carollo

Ass. Sound Design – Travis Cherry and Cameron Brody

Costumes – Allison Macika and Veronica Beaudoin

Ass. Costumes – Sophia Michael and Hannah Michlmayr

Hair and Makeup – Emily Jo McKnight and Stephanie Gray

Ass. Hair and Makeup – Molly Bourque and Angela Mercurio

Props – Jenn Kole and Cilicia Rios

Ass. Props – Katie Rice and Drew Salad

Build/Run – Julie Kaminski, Christine O’Connor, Melanie Adams, Nicole Yetke and Jimmy Ikeda

All My Sons

TD – Kirsten Fukayama

ATD – Allison Crisostomo, Macie Spear and Dennis Li

Stage Manger – Katrina DeRosa and Kelsey Gold

ASM – Emily Jo McKnight and Kathleen Daniels

Set Design – Brittany Haynes and Clark

Ass Set Design – Charles Kolozsi

Master Carpenter – Xander Pinto

Set Dec – Cat Principe

Ass Set Dec – Kim Curhan and Allegra Thalef and Cilicia Rios and Lindsay Kopit

Lighting Design – Mike Carollo

Ass Lighting Design – Ally Edgar, Allie Romano and Sam Hoffman

Sound Design – Drew Salad

Ass Sound Design – Andrew Farrell and Anna Tran

Costumes – Melanie Adams and Katie Rangel

Ass Costumes – Juliette Vandane and Jacqueline Babitt

Hair and Makeup – Lauren Kolodkin and Brittany Gutierrez

Ass. Hair and makeup – Arielle Dizon and Nicole Yetke

Props – Dani Freiberg and Molly Bourque

Ass Props – Kyra Leonardi

Build/Run – Shane Hennessey, Morgan Wilday, Kevin Ang, Keithlyn parkman, Jon Christianson, Josh Howard, Chris Gilmore and Clark


Fall 2011 Cast List

A Little Night Music

Leah Edwards – Anne

Emily Richardi - Fredrika

Michael Aniolek - Henrik

Alia Gilbert - Desiree

Zack Eisenberg - Fredrik

Jon Mayer – Count Carl-Magnus

Molly Bourque - Charlotte

Georgia Ladd – Madam Armfledt

Shane Hennessey - Frid

Fiona Bryson - Petra

Danny Ferro – Liebeslieders Singers

Anthony Rinaldi – Liebeslieders Singers

Tavia Merchant – Liebeslieders Singers

Lauren Wittel – Liebeslieders Singers

Jessica Schaffel – Liebeslieders Singers

Jane Kelley - Osa

Amy Sullivan - Malla


Ali Irwin - Agnes

Dan Stevens - Peter

Allie Romano - RC

Navzad Dabu - Goss

Lindsay Kopit – Dr. Sweet

Hedda Gabler

Abi Oshins – Aunt Julie

Ilana Berman - Berta

Margot Mache - Hedda

Jessica Jimenez – Thea Elvsted

Vishaal Reddy – Judge Brack

Jimmy Blackmon – Eilert Lovberg

Allistair Johnson – George Tesman

All My Sons

Travis Cherry – Joe Keller

Stephanie Gray – Kate Keller

Adrian Burke – Chris Keller

Katie Diekhaus – Ann Deever

Andrew Smith – George Deever

Megan Gonsalves – Sue Bayliss

Greg Nedeltscheff – Dr. Jim Bayliss

Megan Bernatchez – Lydia Lubey

Keaton Goldsmith – Frank Lubey



Thank you to everyone who auditioned, we had such a fabulous turnout this week! There was such an immense amount of talent. If you were called back, CONGRATS! Tomorrow be sure to get here promptly at 6pm and check into CAS Rm. 226 so that the directors can get started right away!

If you weren't called back, don't worry! Be sure to come to our tech meeting this Friday, September 16th at 6pm at the Space!



Emily Richardi

Jess Schaffel

Jane Kelley

Jennifer Mandellam

Lauren Wittel

Amy Sullivan

Cory Morano

Abi Oshins

Tavia Merchant

Leah Edwards

Kim Curhan

Lindsay Meyer

Mara Mellstrom

Molly Bourque

Alia Gilbert

Katie Diekhaus

Georgia Ladd

Fiona Bryson

Victoria Edgar


Michael Aniolek

Jon Mayer

Danny Ferro

Chase Kolozsi

Zak Eisenberg

Shane Hennessey

Anthony Rinaldi

Zach Weiss

Jason Berger



Lindsay Kopit

Margot Mache

Ali Irwin

Jessica Jimenez

Allie Romano

Emily Bosco


Dan Stevens

Adrian Burke

Vishaal Reddy

Jimmy Blackmon

Navzad Dabu

Sam Hoffman

Andrew Smith

Keaton Goldsmith

Allistair Johnson



Alison Manning

Katie Diekhaus

Meagan Bernatchez

Lindsay Kopit

Alexis Lamper

Lauren Kolodkin

Abi Oshins

Ilana Berman

Ali Irwin

Isabella Walpole

Allie Romano

Jessica Jimenez

Margot Mache

Borah Coburn


Shane Hennessey

Jimmy Blackmon

Vishaal Reddy

Zak Eisenberg

Andrew Smith

Allistair Johnson

Keaton Goldsmith

Dan Stevens

Navzad Dabu



Alexis Lamper

Ali Irwin

Alison Manning

Allie Romano

Elyse Dupre

Emily Bosco

Jana Keller

Katie Diekhaus

Leah Calderon

Libby Wymer

Margot Mache

Meagan Bernatchez

Megan Gonsalves

Molly Bourque

Stephanie Gray


Adrian Burke

Alec Nicholson

Allistair Johnson

Andrew Smith

Dan Stevens

Greg Nedeltscheff

Jimmy Blackmon

Keaton Goldsmith

Michael Aniolek

Navzad Dabu

Shane Hennessey

Theodore Daly

Travis Cherry

Vishaal Reddy

Zak Eisenberg


Fall Semester Goodness

Dying to know when Stage Troupe events are happening? Check out our Calendar on our website, under the members section, to find out what will be keeping you busy this semester!

For more up to date info on workshops, group bonding activities, and other special projects, feel free to also check out our Google Calendar found at
Don't forget you can also:
Add us on Facebook: Stage Troupe
Follow us on Twitter: @stagetroupe
Or email us:
Get ready for an amazing year!

Fall 2011 Season

Book by: Hugh Wheeler
Music by: Stephen Sondheim
Directed By: Ryan McPhee and Abigail Smith
Please join Stage Troupe in celebrating Parents Weekend 2011 with the production of this Stephen Sondheim and Hugh Wheeler masterpiece, recently revived on Broadway starring Academy Award winner Catherine Zeta Jones. With a breathtaking score including the staple “Send in the Clowns” and a book full of romance, comedy, and passion, A Little Night Music is sure to captivate an audience of students and parents alike.
It is the turn-of-the-century Scandinavia. Middle-aged Fredrik Egerman brings his young wife Anne to a play starring “the one and only” Desiree Armfeldt. It is soon revealed that Desiree and Frederik are in fact former lovers. The two begin to rekindle their romance, enraging Desiree’s current lover, a pompous Count. In her attempts to win Fredrik back, the actress has her sage mother invite the Egerman family to their county estate. This “Weekend in the Country” brings together Frederik, Anne, Desiree and the Count, as well as Fredrik's son, Desiree's daughter, the Count's scathing wife, and the Egermans' lusty maid. With the beautiful estate as a backdrop, love is discovered and reawakened, and the night smiles upon the young and the old.
Written By: Tracy Letts
Directed by: Chris Hamilton
Agnes is afraid. Afraid of her recently paroled abusive ex-husband, Jerry, afraid of the breathy, wordless phone calls that keep her up at night, afraid of sleeping alone in the seedy Oklahoma City motel room she's holed herself up in. Along comes Peter, a soft-spoken, thoughtful young man, who gives her the love and companionship she's desperately longed for. Then the bugs appear; tiny, nearly invisible bugs that crawl under your skin and feed on your blood. As Agnes and Peter's paranoia grows, dark character secrets are revealed, giving way to government conspiracies, pure psychological terror, and more bugs. Millions and millions of bugs.
Written by: Henrik Ibsen
Directed by: Marcus Doyle
Henrik Ibsen's Hedda Gabler has stood as the pinnacle of dark, psychological plays for more than a hundred years. It illustrates the story of a woman whose desires and motives outlay the expectations and restraints imposed on her by society. Her struggle for freedom and control over her life drives her to a desperate and expressive end. This play has been produced thousands of times with hundreds of interpretations, transcending the boundaries of time and culture, finding novel meaning as each generation explores the text and craft of Ibsen's masterpiece.
Written By: Arthur Miller
Directed By: Elise Roth and Mike Halpern
It is August 1947 in the backyard of the Keller residence, located in the outskirts of an American town. Joe Keller, a “man among men,” ran a machine shop during the war that turned out defective airplane parts, causing the death of countless young soldiers. Years later, Joe leads a successful life while his former business partner, Herbert Deever, is locked up behind bars. While Joe carries around this burden of guilt, his wife, Kate, is haunted by nightmares of their missing son Larry. Their other son, Chris, wishes to marry childhood neighbor Ann, his brother Larry’s lover and daughter of Herbert, much to the dismay of Kate. Following the arrival of Ann’s bitter brother George, Joe's terrible secret is unveiled and the Keller household is turned upside down.
Through the brilliant words of legendary playwright Arthur Miller, the problems of a post-war suburban American family are explored and reach an emotional climax that is electrifying in its intensity and powerfully raw in its sincerity.


Eager to get involved in Stage Troupe???

Email to be added to our mailing list and be the first to receive all the latest updates!!!
add us on facebook!!
follow us on twitter @StageTroupe!!
Visit and learn everything you need to know about who we are, what we do, and our upcoming FALL SEASON!!!
and MOST IMPORTANTLY be sure to see Jules Feiffer's HOLD ME! performed every Wednesday of Orientation at 8pm in the Agganis Student Theater to learn everything you need to know about theater at BU!!!

Summer Show TECH!!!

Here are the summer show tech assignments! Thank you to everyone who signed up!

Director Gabrielle Krumins
Co-TD Adrien Smith
Co-TD Steve Marois
Stage Manager Jill Angelone
Stage Manager Mike Carollo
Master Carpenter Brian DeVito
Set Design Sarah Crozier
Set Design Josh Friedensohn
Assistant Set Design Allison Crisostomo
Lighting Designer Shane Hennessey
Lighting Designer Jake Shauli
Assistant Lighting Design Stephanie Gray
Sound Designer Carl Welch
Sound Designer David Fontana
Costumes Agatha Babbitt
Costumes Amy Sullivan
Props Dani Freiberg
Props Kat Pernicone
Hair/Makeup Katy Meyer
Build/Run Kevin Ang
Build/Run Jordan Breyfogle
Build/Run Sarah Crozier
Build/Run Kevin Gonzales
Build/Run Allie McDonough
Build/Run Phil Silberman
Will Wheeler Erica Magelky

BUSTies Winners!

Best Show, Fall: Rabbit Hole
Best Show, Spring: Dog Sees God
Best Director, Fall: Agatha Babbitt and Chris Hamilton, Rabbit Hole
Best Director, Spring: Gabrielle Krumins and Allison McDonough, Amadeus
Best Technical Director, Fall: Danielle Freiberg, Thoroughly Modern Millie
Best Technical Director, Spring: Danielle Freiberg, The Mousetrap
Best Producer, Fall: Alex Shuck, Thoroughly Modern Millie
Best Producer, Spring: Alex Shuck, Amadeus
Best Actress, Fall: Madeleine DiBiasi, Rabbit Hole
Best Actress, Spring: Molly Bourque, Dog Sees God
Best Actor, Fall: Jimmy Blackmon, Pterodactyls
Best Actor, Spring: Greg Nedeltscheff, Amadeus
Best Supporting Actress, Fall: Fiona Bryson, Thoroughly Modern Millie
Best Supporting Actress, Spring: Margot Mache, Amadeus
Best Supporting Actor, Fall: TIE-- Dan Stevens, Rabbit Hole and Greg Nedeltscheff, Pterodactyls
Best Supporting Actor, Spring: TIE-- Jordan Callais, The Mousetrap and Dan Stevens, Dog Sees God
Best Stage Management, Fall: Mike Halpern and Kat Pernicone, Thoroughly Modern Millie
Best Stage Management, Spring: Mike Halpern, Dog Sees God
Best Master Carpentry, Fall: Preston Weir, Thoroughly Modern Millie
Best Master Carpentry, Spring: Preston Weir, The Mousetrap
Best Set Design, Fall: Sarah Crozier and Danielle Freiberg, Thoroughly Modern Millie
Best Set Design, Spring: Sarah Crozier, Amadeus
Best Set Decoration, Fall: Kristin Myers, A Streetcar Named Desire
Best Set Decoration, Spring: Brittany Haynes, The Mousetrap
Best Costume Design, Fall: Rebecca Karsh, Thoroughly Modern Millie
Best Costume Design, Spring: Kelly Fanty, Ann Markwell, and Katie Rangel- Amadeus
Best Lighting Design, Fall: Carling Monder and Tom Murphy, Thoroughly Modern Millie
Best Lighting Design, Spring: Carling Monder, Amadeus
Best Sound Design, Fall: Peter Moriarty, Thoroughly Modern Millie
Best Sound Design, Spring: Roman Perry and Elise Roth, Amadeus
Best Hair/Make-up, Fall: Adrien Smith, Hanna Wasserman, Brittany Gutierrez, and Hanna Ballon- Thoroughly Modern Millie
Best Hair/Make-up, Spring: Eden White, Angela Mercurio, and Emily Jo McKnight- Amadeus
Best Props Design, Fall: Danielle Freiberg, A Streetcar Named Desire
Best Props Design, Spring: Sophie Miller and Elise Greenberg, The Mousetrap
SAAD Winners: Kate Bischoff and Steve Marois
Rookie of the Year: Jon Christianson
Unsung Hero: Kirsten Fukayama


One Act Cast Lists

White Identity Play (directed by Allie Romano)
Father- Vishaal Reddy
Mother- Shilpa Reddy
Girl- Melanie Adams
Canadian Soil (directed by Kelly Dickinson and Julie Kaminski)
Alex-Sarah Crozier
Jed- Dan Stevens
Haddie- Adrien Smith
Lester- Marcus Doyle
A Growing Problem (directed by Kaitlin Bresee)
Frank- David Fontana
Helen- Maddie DiBiasi
Henry II (The Pot Plant) - Steve Marois
What Are You Doing in There? (directed by Chris Hamilton and Molly Bourque)
Mother- Elise Roth
Father- Andrew Smith
Leonard- Shane Hennessey


One Acts Auditions

A Growing Problem: Will only have one director available on Monday but both on Tuesday.
What are you doing in there: Will have only one director on Monday.
White Identity: Will not have auditions on Tuesday until 7pm.

Canadian Soil: Will be all Monday with both directors and Tuesday after 8pm with one director.

Auditions will be 3/28 and 3/29 in CAS 213 at 6pm

Tech Assignments for Spring 2011 Part IV


Director Allison McDonough
Director Gabrielle Krumins
Producer Alex Shuck
AP Nate Goldman
AP Allie Romano
AP Zoraida Cabrera
TD Adrien Smith
ATD Brittany Gutierrez
ATD Christopher Gilmore
SM Jordan Breyfoyle
Stage Manager Leora Klachkin
Asst. SM Sarah Kuranda
ASM Aamir Ashraf
Set Design/MC Sarah Crozier
Asst. Set Design Xander Pinto
Set Decorator Kelly Dickinson
Set Decorator Marissa Cheifetz
Set Dec Miriam Khan
Costumes Kelly Fanty
Costumes Ann Markwell
Costumes Katie Rangel
Hair/Makeup Eden White
Hair/Makeup Angela Mercurio
Hair/Makeup Emily Jo McKnight
Lights Carling Monder
Asst. Lights Victoria Kelman
Asst. Lights Shane Hennessey
Sound Roman Perry
Asst Sound Sound Elise Roth
Propmaster Vijayta Narang
Props Candace Phillips
Build/Run Andrew Smith
Build/Run Alex Williams
Build/Run Anna Diorio
Build/Run Kevin Ang
Build/Run Chris Inglin
Build/Run Phillip Kim
Build Preston Weir
Will Wheeler Jimmy Ikeda

Tech Assignments for Spring 2011 Part III

Dog Sees God:

Director Ally Edgar
Director Mike Carollo
Producer Steve Marois
AP Jennie David
AP Elise Roth
TD/Set Design Tom Murphy
ATD Sophie Miller
ATD Marissa Cheifetz
Stage Manager Mike Halpern
Asst. SM Emily Jo McKnight
ASM Zoraida Cabrera
ASM Alex Michael
MC Kirsten Fukayama
Set Designer Tom Murphy
Set Designer Marcus Doyle
Asst. Set Design Shane Hennessey
Set Decorator Allison Crisostomo
Set Decorator Anna Diorio
Asst. Set Dec Allie Romano
Costumes Miriam Bachman
Costumes Ann Markwell
Hair/Makeup Katie Rangel
Lights Jake Shauli
Lights Kayla Ring
Asst. Lights Alex Williams
Sound Sarah Kuranda
Sound Hanna Wasserman
Propmaster Rebecca Karsh
Props Charles Kolozsi
Build/Run Shane Hennessey
Build/Run Andrew Smith
Build/Run Phillip Kim
Build/Run M Williams
Build/Run Anna Carson
Build/Run Carling Monder
Build/Run Sarah Crozier