Summer Show Tech Positions

Posted below are the technical positions for this Summer's "Comic Potential". Congrats to everyone!:

Technical Director- Ally McDonough
Asst Technical Director- Brian DeVito
Producer- Chris Hamilton
Producer- Alex Shuck
Asst Producer- Emily Shumsky
Stage Manager- Jillian Angelone
Stage Manager- GabrielleKrumins
Master Carpenter- Josh Friedensohn
Set Designer- Eveleen Sung
Asst Set Designer- Danielle Freiberg
Set Decorator- Colleen Drapek
Set Decorator- Steve Marois
Lighting Designer- Carling Monder
Asst Lights- Brian DeVito
Sound Designer- Moira McCormick
Costume Designer- Jillian Riti
Asst Costumes- Jillian Angelone
Make-up/Hair Designer- Solange Garcia
Props Mistress- Danielle Freiberg
Asst Props- Tyler Brewer
Build/Run- Emily Shumsky
Build/Run- Erica Magelky
Build/Run- Rena Luczkiewicz
Build/Run- Kevin Ang


Summer Show Cast!

Below is the cast list for COMIC POTENTIAL, directed by Mike Carollo, assisted by Tracy Domitrz. Thanks to everyone who came to audition! If you were not cast, we'd still love to have you involved in the show! Sign up for a tech position by emailing Josh at If you're interested in producing, email Kate at

Jacie Triplethree - Maggie Scull
Adam Trainsmith - Jordan Callais
Chandler Tate - Phil Silberman
Carla Pepperbloom - Elise Roth
Trudi Floote / Girl in Dress Shop - Becca Wilkinson
Prim Spring - Allison McDonough
Lester Trainsmith / Hotel Desk Clerk / Hotel Waiter 1 - Molly Bourque
The Doctor / The Farmer / Man in Dress Shop / Turkey - Tyler Brewer
The Son / Marmion / Hotel Waiter 2 / Technician - Steve Marois
The Mother / Farmer's Wife - Ljubica Gavrilovska
Prostitute / Dress Shop Assistant - Jenna Leavitt


Technical Director - Dani Freiberg

Producer - Bobby Nicolescu
Stage Manager - Stephanie Gray
Master Carpenter - Ian Cohen
Lighting Designer - Carling Monder
Asst Lights - Jillian Riti
Sound Designer - M Williams
Costume Designer - Julie Kaminski
Make-Up/Hair Designer - Rebecca Karsh
Props Mistress - Cat Bruton
Build/Run - Jimmy Ikeda, Eytan Wurman, Ted Atkinson, Josh Friedensohn
'Will Wheelers' - Kelsey Gold, Bryan Jimenez


Thanks to everyone who came to audition! Please do not be discouraged if you were not cast. Josh ( is looking for techies and Kate( is looking for producers so email them if you'd still like to help out!


Bob - David Fontana
Flo - Kate Bischoff
Beer Girl - Carolyn Byrne


Gladyce - Kat Pernicone
Amy - Jessica Jimenez
Lizzy - Maggie Scull
Harry - Steve Marois


Dave - Andrew Smith
Hallie - Margot Mache
Phone - Kelly Dickinson


Janet - Kaitlin Bresee
Queela - Taylor Butzbach
Annarae - Ali Irwin


John - Chris Nolan
Karen - Kelsey Lidsky
Homeless Guy - Liam Wang


Tech Assignments!

TWO notes from Josh:

1. There is a new position to Stage Troupe tech known as "Will Wheeler". Originating from it's 6-foot plus tall namesake, this position is for a techie who may not have time to commit to a particular job, but still wants to help out with the show. The TD will put his/her "Will Wheeler(s)" on the email list and that person(s) may come when they have time and can lend a hand. They are not bound to any particular department and Strike is optional for this position. If you have any further questions, contact Josh...or Will Wheeler, I guess.

2. Wandering Minds is looking for a Producer for "Dr. Horrible's Sing-a-Long Blog" (Feb 25-27, same as W;t) and an Assistant Producer for "On The Razzle" (April 15-17). Contact Ted Atkinson if you are interesTed (get it? Interest-Ted?) at


Technical Director – Adrien Smith

Assistant Technical Director – Cat Bruton

Producer – Bridget Kelleher

Assistant Producers – Jan P. Kaim, Kathryn Smith

Stage Manager – Mike Halpern

Assistant Stage Manager – Jennie David

Master Carpenter – Jimmy Ikeda

Set Designer – Jimmy Ikeda

Lighting Designer – Mike Carollo

Assistant Lighting Designer – Elizabeth Moss

Sound Designer – Tyler Brewer

Assistant Sound Designer – Johanna Mignon

Set Decorators – Elena Feldman and Ryan McPhee

Costume Designers – Agatha Babbitt and Kelly Fanty

Make-up/Hair Designer – Molly Coyne

Assistant Make-up/Hair Designer – Bobby Nicolescu

Props Mistresses – Rebecca Karsh

Assistant Props Master – Kevin Ang

Build/Run – Julie Kaminski, Kirsten Fukayama, Sean Manton, Jennifer Kole, Dani Freiberg

Will Wheeler – Josh Friedensohn

The Clean House

Technical Director – Bryan Jimenez

Assistant Technical Director – Jimmy Ikeda

Producer – Quincy Wright

Assistant Producers – Aamir Ashraf and Raziq-Omar Jivani

Stage Manager – Tyler Brewer

Assistant Stage Managers – Ryan McPhee and Carla Donaghey

Master Carpenter – Josh Friedensohn

Set Designer – Bryan Jimenez

Assistant Set Designer – Josh Howard

Lighting Designer – Andrew Menard

Assistant Lighting Designer – Carling Monder

Sound Designer – Kelly Dickinson

Assistant Sound Designer – Kelsey Gold

Set Decorators – Agatha Babbitt and Trish Garrity

Assistant Set Decorator – Colleen Drapek

Costume Designers – Monica Williams and Jillian Riti and Kat Pernicone

Assistant Costume Designer – Bobby Nicolescu

Make-up/Hair Designers – Taylor Butzbach and Rebecca Karsh

Assistant Make-up/Hair Designer – Kathryn Smith

Props Mistress – Jennifer Kole and Dani Freiberg

Assistant Props Mistresses – Yonina Eisenberg and Kelly Fanty

Build/Run – Tyler Strickland, Jon Shedler, Johanna Mignon, Preston Weir, Ian Cohen, Andrew Clark, Elena Feldman, Dani Freiberg, Leo Rosenstein and Peter Moriarty

Will Wheelers – Alden Landis, Sean Manton

Angels in America: Millennium Approaches

Technical Director – Dani Freiberg

Assistant Technical Directors – Ted Atkinson and Monica Williams

Producer – Tracy Domitrz

Assistant Producers – Kelsey Gold and Emily Shumsky

Stage Managers – Ally Edgar and Julie Kaminski

Assistant Stage Manager – Kat Pernicone

Mistress Carpenter – Elise Alexander

Set Designer – Josh Friedensohn

Assistant Set Designer – Eveleen Sung

Lighting Designer – Jan P. Kaim

Assistant Lighting Designers – Kelly Dickinson and Ryan McPhee

Sound Designer – Jon Shedler

Assistant Sound Designer – Jordan Callais

Set Decorators – Kaylee Dombrowski and Kate Edgar

Assistant Set Decorator – Yonina Eisenberg

Costume Designers – Rebecca Karsh and Molly Coyne and Kathryn Smith

Assistant Costume Designer – Suchie Ravindron

Make-up/Hair Designer – Katrina DeRosa

Assistant Make-up/Hair Designers – Mariah Reeves and Kelly Fanty

Props Master/Mistress – Mike Halpern and Jennie David

Assistant Props Mistress – Elena Feldman

Build/Run – Sean Manton, Eytan Wurman, Nick Dougherty, Cat Bruton, Katie Richmond, Kirsten Fukayama, Kevin Ang, Joe Colombo, Josh Howard, Carling Monder

Will Wheeler – Tyler Brewer

The Pillowman

Technical Director – Preston Weir

Assistant Technical Director – Ian Cohen

Producer – Alex Shuck

Assistant Producers – Katrina DeRosa and Taylor Butzbach

Stage Manager – Erica Magelky

Assistant Stage Manager – Kathryn Smith

Master Carpenter – Andrew Clark

Set Designer – Preston Weir

Assistant Set Designer – Elena Feldman

Lighting Designer – Joe Colombo

Assistant Lighting Designer – Carling Monder

Sound Designer – Peter Moriarty

Set Decorators – Carla Donaghey and Mariah Reeves

Assistant Set Decorators – Jillian Riti and Cat Bruton

Costume Designers – Adrien Smith and Molly Coyne

Assistant Costume Designer – Laura Fragora

Make-up/Hair Designer – Katie Richmond

Assistant Make-up/Hair Designer – Jennie David

Props Mistress/Master – Dani Freiberg and Josh Friedensohn

Special Effects – Dani Freiberg

Build/Run – Alec Nicholson, Bryan Jimenez, Suchie Ravindron, Johanna Mignon, Leo Rosenstein, Kelly Dickinson, Kevin Ang, Ted Atkinson

Will Wheeler – Tracy Domitrz


Spring 2010 Cast Lists


Vivian - Kelsey Lidsky
Jason - Albert Paez
Susie - Tara Thompson
Dr. Kelekian - Michael Butvinik
Professor E. M. Ashford - Farrell Parker
Technicians - Andrew Smith, Liam Wang, Kaitlin Bresee, Kate Bischoff


Matilde - Jessica Jimenez
Lane - Natalie Robinson
Virginia - Stephanie Gray
Ana/Mother - Elise Roth
Charles/Father - Jordan Callais


Prior Walter - Alec Nicholson
Louis Ironson - Matt Ballew
Harper Pitt - Lindsey Gould
Joe Pitt - Mat Leonard
Roy Cohn - Travis Cherry
Belize - Solange Garcia
Hannah Pitt / Ethel Rosenberg - Margot Mache
Angel / Homeless Woman / Sister Ella Chapter / Emily - Ali Irwin
Henry / Prior 1 - Zac Brokenrope
Mr. Lies / Martin Heller / Prior 2 - Tyler Strickland


Katurian - Mike Gomez
Detective Ariel - Carolyn Byrne
Detective Tupolski - Will Wheeler
Michal - Philip Silberman
Mother - Madeleine DiBiasi
Father - Chris Nolan
Little Jesus Girl - Laura Flanagan



Thank you to everyone who came to audition this semester! Please do not be discouraged if you were not called back. There are plenty of other opportunities to stay involved: special projects, teching, and producing! Come to our tech meeting this Friday at 7:30 pm in The Space to find out more.

Callback auditions will be TOMORROW (Thursday) from 6 - 10 pm on the second floor of CAS. Make sure to be there early to give the directors ample time to see you.



Albert Paez
Michael Butvinik
Andrew Smith
Matthew Ballew
Chris Nolan
Michael Pogarian
Dan Creed
Liam Wang


Farrell Parker
Carolyn Byrne
Kaitlin Bresee
Carla Donaghey
Kelsey Lidsky
Margot Mache
Tara Thompson
Taylor Butzbach
Kate Bischoff
Jenny Isakowitz
Sandra Hartkopf
Colette Friedenson



Jordan Callais
Albert Paez
Ian Cohen


Jessica Jimenez
Solange Garcia
Mia Mulvey
Rachel Hawkes
Farrell Parker
Tara Thompson
Natalie Robinson
Stephanie Gray
Margot Mache
Lindsey Gould
Bea Wissel
Carolyn Byrne
Elise Roth
Kelsey Lidsky



Matthew Ballew
Zac Brokenrope
Jordan Callais
Travis Cherry
David Fontana
Mike Gomez
Mat Leonard
Alec Nicholson
Albert Paez
Michael Pogarian
Andrew Smith
Tyler Strickland
Will Wheeler


Carolyn Byrne
Solange Garcia
Lindsey Gould
Rachel Hawkes
Ali Irwin
Kelsey Lidsky
Margot Mache
Mia Mulvey
Farrell Parker
Tara Thompson
Leni Zneimer



Mike Gomez
Alec Nicholson
Travis Cherry
Dan Creed
Tyler Strickland
Jordan Callais
Will Wheeler
Albert Paez
Mat Leonard
Ian Cohen
Chris Nolan
Tyler Brewer
Philip Silberman


Carla Donaghey
Rebbekah Vega Romero
Kelsey Lidsky
Farrell Parker
Madeleine DiBiasi
Carolyn Byrne
Renee Kimmel
Laura Flanagan
Margot Mache

Thanks and good night!


SPF Tech Assignments!

Technical Director - Ian Cohen
Producer - Ally McDonough
Asst Producer - Rachel Peng
Stage Manager - Kelsey Gold
Stage Manager - Mike Halpern
Mistress Carpenter - Dani Freiberg
Lighting Designer - Tom Murphy
Asst Lights - Carling Monder
Sound Designer - Ally Edgar
Asst Sound - Olivia Manning
Set Decorator - Jillian Riti
Set Decorator - Rachel Schweiker
Costume Designer - Ali Weltman
Costume Designer - Kelly Fanty
Costume Designer - Laura Koleniak
Make-up/Hair Designer - Jennie David
Make-up/Hair Designer - Samantha Rochford
Props Mistress - Rebecca Karsh
Props Mistress - Yonina Eisenberg
Build/Run - Josh Friedensohn
Build/Run - Catherine Bruton


SPF Fall 2009 Cast Lists

Thank you so much to everyone who auditioned. Please do not be discouraged if you were not cast. Josh ( and Kate ( are looking for people to tech and produce so please send them an email if you are interested.


Marston: Travis Cherry

Lil: Margot Mache


Mrs. Stevenson: Kelsey Lidsky

Sergeant Duffy: Mike Gomez

Operators: Borana Greku

George/Western Union: Chris Nolan

Chief Operator/Hospital Receptionist: Kate Bischoff


Queen of Hearts: Gabby Krumins

Queen of Clubs: Agatha Babbitt

Joker: Chris Hamilton

King of Hearts: Josh Friedensohn

King of Spades: Keith Gildea

King of Diamonds: Mike Carollo


Woman: Taylor Butzbach

Man: Alec Nicholson

Woman 2: Maggie Scull


Tina: Sarah Crozier

Tom: Andrew Smith



TICKETS for Beauty & The Beast are on sale now! Performances are this weekend (Friday @

8, Saturday @ 8, Sunday @ 1). Buy as soon as you can because the show is sure to sell
out. For Friday tickets, go to the Information Desk on the 2nd floor of the GSU. They
cost $8 and you can pay with cash or Convenience Points. Saturday and Sunday tickets are
$20 and are available online ( Don't miss this show!

ALUMNI WEEKEND is in two weeks and we need your help!

*If you have photographs of ANY past Stage Troupe shows and events (including Special
Projects), PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE email them to us ( by this FRIDAY, 10/16. We are creating a slideshow for the alumni and gathering as many photos as we can. Anything you can send is much appreciated.

*We also need volunteers to do some IMPROV! One of our Troupies will be leading some
improv games at the variety show, and we need people to sign up. Please email us if you're interested.

*The Variety Show for alumni is on Saturday, 10/24 at 8 pm in the Student Theater and
it's free. All current members are welcome!


BYOB -Bring Your Own Broadway!

BU's premiere musical theatre group BU On Broadway will be hosting BYOB, their semiannual open mic event where everyone has the chance to get on stage and perform their favorite Broadway number!

Thursday, October 1st from 8 to 10 pm in BU Central (the basement of the GSU).

There will be a pianist to accompany all performances. So get up on stage and sing your heart out! You may sing alone, with a partner or with a small group. BRING YOUR FRIENDS! There will also be "sneak-peek" performances from the casts of The Rocky Horror Show and Broadway 180!

*We encourage all Troupies to go and join in on the fun. It's an open mic event, so there's no pressure to sing if you go. Just come and watch!

Tech Workshops, Multigroup Combat, and More!


Set Design: Monday, 9/28 @ 6:30 pm in ENG (44 Cummington Street). Meet in the first-floor lobby no later than 6:40. If you're running late, call Josh (914-588-4722).

Costumes + Make-Up: Thursday, 10/1 @ 6:30 pm in The Space.

*Workshops for Lights, Sound, Props, and Set Decoration coming soon!

MULTIGROUP COMBAT: To sign up for our combat with other groups on Saturday 10/3, email VPSP Ian Cohen ( with the following info:

Phone #
Preferred Position (Acting/Writing/Directing/Teching)

CALLIOPE PROJECT: The Calliope Project is having an informational meeting this Thursday at 7p.m. in CAS 233 to discuss our upcoming events. Anyone interested in auditioning or getting more information about the project should attend. Our play this year is Titus Andronicus and will being going up in March. Auditions are October 13th in GSU 312 and October 14th in CAS 221. For a summary of the show click on the link:

For more information, you can email us at or look us up on Facebook under "The Calliope Project."



Below are the tech assignments for this semester. You may have been assigned more than one position so be sure to check all four lists. Also, expect to receive an email soon from your TD about the first tech meeting.

Happy tech-ing!


Technical Director:

- Sarah Crozier

Asst. Technical Director:

- Preston Weir


- Tracy Domitrz

Assistant Producers:

- Aamir Ashraf

- Taylor Butzbach

- Jennie David

- Emily Shumsky

Stage Manager:

- Erica Magelky

Asst. Stage Managers:

- Ally Edgar

- Alex Schneps

Master Carpenter:

- Josh Friedensohn

Set Designers:

- Sarah Crozier

- Josh Friedensohn

Special Effects Designers:

- Danielle Freiberg

- Kelsey Gold

Lighting Designer:

- Andrew Menard

Asst. Lighting Designer:

- Tom Murphy

Sound Designer:

- Jonothan Shedler

Asst. Sound Designers:

- Mike Carollo

- Nick Dougherty

Set Decorators:

- Kaylee Dombrowski

- Chris Hamilton

Asst. Set Decorators:

- Kate Edgar

- Anette Jochum

- Hannah Simkins

Costume Designers:

- Rebecca Karsh

- Adrien Smith

Asst. Costume Designers:

- Molly Coyne

- Katrina DeRosa

Costume Run Crew:

- Kelly Fanty

- Kelly Gallagher

- Kat Pernicone

Make-Up/Hair Designer:

- Katie Richmond

Assistant Make-Up/Hair Designers:

- Laura Brush

- Saiya Floyd

- Bridget Kelleher

- Veronica Rose Pimentel

Prop Mistress:

- Danielle Freiberg

Assistant Props Mistresses:

- Kelly Dickinson

- Jennifer Kole

- Belinda Paige


- Brooke Ackerman

- Elise Alexander

- Kevin Ang

- Catherine Bruton

- Brian DeVito

- Kelsey Gold

- Jimmy Ikeda

- Bryan Jimenez

- Caitlin Lesczynski

- Carling Monder

- Donna Riggle

- Eveleen Sung


Technical Director:

- Tom Murphy

Assistant Technical Director:

- Hannah Simkins


- Kelly Gallagher

Assistant Producers:

- Clarisse Bidad

- Mike Carollo

- Maggie Scull

Stage Manager:

- Mugdha Kalvade

Assistant Stage Managers:

- Elise Alexander

- Michael Halpern

Master Carpenter:

- Andrew Clark

Set Designer:

- Tom Murphy

Assistant Set Designer:

- Caitlin Lesczynski

Lighting Designer:

- Ted Atkinson

Assistant Lighting Designer:

- Jinny Lang

Sound Designer:

- Tyler Brewer

Assistant Sound Designer:

- Joe Sanford

Set Decorators:

- Carla Donaghey

- Bianca Merino

Assistant Set Decorator:

- Kat Pernicone

Costume Designers:

- Kate Bischoff

- Molly Coyne

Assistant Costume Designer:

- Jenn Ficarra

Make-Up/Hair Designers:

- Saiya Floyd

- Annette Jochum

Props Master/Mistress:

- Kevin Ang

- Catherine Bruton


- Joanna Barth-Werb

- Dan Collado

- Kate Cordial

- Danielle Freiberg

- Josh Friedensohn

- Jimmy Ikeda

- Bryan Jimenez

- Elizabeth Rosenstein

- Jonothan Shedler

- Preston Weir


Technical Director:

- Danielle Freiberg

Assistant Technical Directors:

- Bryan Jimenez

- Adrien Smith


- Chris Hamilton

Assistant Producers:

- Jenn Ficarra

- Kelsey Gold

- Steve Marois

Stage Manager:

- Hannah Simkins

Assistant Stage Managers:

- Aamir Ashraf

- Julia Kaminski

Master Carpenter:

- Ted Atkinson

Set Designers:

- Jimmy Ikeda

- Preston Weir

Lighting Designer:

- Mike Carollo

Assistant Lighting Designer:

- Cassie Albee

Sound Designer:

- Kelly Dickinson

Assistant Sound Designer:

- Kevin Ang

Set Decorators:

- Brooke Ackerman

- Kristin Myers

Assistant Set Decorators:

- Trish Garrity

- Mariah Reeves

Costume Designer:

- Rebecca Karsh

Assistant Costume Designers:

- Kelly Fanty

- Jillian Riti

Make-Up/Hair Designers:

- Katrina DeRosa

- Kelly Gallagher

- Blanca Merino

Props Mistresses:

- Jennie David

- Lindsey Gould

Assistant Props Master:

- Michael Halpern


- Catherine Bruton

- Ian Cohen

- Kirsten DeCortin

- Josh Friedensohn

- Alden Landis

- Johanna Mignon

- Bethany Reynolds

- Joe Sanford

- Jonothan Shedler

- Jeffrey Sullivan

- Quincy Wright


Technical Director:

- Katie Richmond

Assistant Technical Directors:

- Andrew Clark

- Jimmy Ikeda


- Raziq-Omar Jivani

Assistant Producers:

- Agatha Babbitt

- Katrina DeRosa

- Quincy Wright

Stage Manager:

- Tyler Brewer

Assistant Stage Managers:

- Kelly Gallagher

- Yoshua Seidner

Master Carpenter:

- Preston Weir

Set Designer:

- Bryan Jimenez

Assistant Set Designer:

- Julie Kaminiski

Lighting Designer:

- Elise Alexander

Assistant Lighting Designers:

- Kate Cordial

- Jonothan Shedler

Sound Designer:

- Jinny Lang

Assistant Sound Designer:

- Jeffrey Sullivan

Set Decorators:

- Steve Marois

- Allison McDonough

Assistant Set Decorators:

- Catherine Bruton

- Jenn Ficarra

- Jenny Isakowitz

Costume Designers:

- Donna Riggle

- Adrien Smith

Assistant Costume Designer:

- Kat Pernicone

Make-Up/Hair Designer:

- Belinda Paige

Make-Up Designers:

- Kristin Myers

- Jillian Riti

Hair Designer:

- Jan P.Kaim

Props Mistresses:

- Danielle Freiberg

- Ally Edgar

Assistant Props Mistress:

- Kristen DeCortin


- Ian Cohen

- Nick Dougherty

- Kate Edgar

- Josh Friedensohn

- Adam Lebowitz-Lockard

- Sean Manton

- Johanna Mignon

- Carling Monder

- Bethany Reynolds

- Elizabeth Rosenstein

- Tyler Strickland


Theatre, Theatre, Theatre

Here are some upcoming non-Troupe opportunities:

*AUGUST WILSON'S LEGACY: A NEW GENERATION OF PLAYWRIGHTS -- FREE PUBLIC EVENT: Join the Huntington Theatre Company for a free community event at Roxbury Community College celebrating the legacy of August Wilson and looking ahead to an exciting new generation of playwrights.

Monday, September 14 at 7:30pm
Roxbury Community College
Mainstage at the Media Arts Building
1234 Columbus Avenue, Roxbury
RSVP to 617 266-7900 x1045 or online at .

Hosted by Karen Holmes Ward of WCVB-TV Channel 5, the event will feature a talk with Kenny Leon, director of the Huntington's upcoming productions of Fences and Stick Fly, a panel discussion, and live performances of scenes from Wilson's work.
*The Huntington Theatre Company will be holding general auditions for children 8-13 and any students currently enrolled in a local university to take part in an Ensemble Chorus in its upcoming productions of A CIVIL WAR CHRISTMAS by Paula Vogel, directed by Jessica Thebus. Please note that these auditions are specifically for LOCAL CHILDREN AND UNIVERSITY STUDENTS ONLY. These are unpaid internships. Credit may be available through your individual universities. EMC points are available.

Production Dates are November 13, 2009 to December 13, 2009, with the possibility of an extension to December 20, 2009. Rehearsals begin on October 20, 2009 but ensemble members may be called at a later date. Tech dates are November 8 to 12, 2009 and opening is on Wednesday, November 18, 2009.

Auditions will take place on Thursday, September 17, from 3pm to 6pm and Monday, September 21 from 3pm to 6pm. Auditions will be given out in THREE (3) minute slots on a first come, first serve basis. Please prepare ONE (1) one minute monologue and 16-bars to be sung a capella.

To schedule an appointment, please call Chris Carcione at 617-273-1531 or email him at Leave a message with your name, primary contact telephone number and preferred audition sate and time. You will receive a confirmation call no later than Tuesday, September 15.


Fall 2009 Casts!


Belle - Sarah Jill Bashein

Beast - Chris Behmke

Gaston - Alec Nicholson

Maurice - Tyler Brewer

Lefou - Alex Shuck

Lumiere - Steve Marois

Cogsworth - Jordan Sobel

Monsieur D’Arque - Tyler Strickland

Mrs. Potts - Abigail Smith

Chip - Tori Heinlein

Madame de la Grande Bouche - Stephanie Gray

Babette - Olivia Manning

Silly Girls - Tara Thompson, Agatha Babbitt, Liz Doyle


Joseph Pratolongo

Luis Arca

Bernardo Vargas

Kevin Parker

Jordan Callais

Peter Moriarty

Colleen Martorano

Liz Furze

Leni Zneimer

Fiona Bryson

Daniella Colb

Alison Weltman

Alia Gilbert

Kristin Myers

Liz Harris


Catherine - Jenny Isakowitz

Claire - Margot Mache

Robert - Will Wheeler

Hal - Quincy Wright


Alfieri - Albert Paez

Eddie - Adam Lebowitz-Lockard

Beatrice - Elise Roth

Catherine - Taylor Butzbach

Marco - Mat Leonard

Rodolpho - Mathias Goldstein

Louis / First Immigration Officer - Travis Cherry

Mike / Tony / Second Immigration Officer - Liam Wang


Sheridan Whiteside - Chandler Stephen

Maggie Cutler - Laura Koleniak

Bert Jefferson - Ian Graff

Banjo / Radio Man 1 - Alex Schneps

Beverly Carlton / Convict 1 - Mike O’Leary

Lorraine Sheldon / Mrs. Dexter - Bea Wissel

Professor Metz / Expressman - Andrew Smith

Mr. Stanley - David Fontana

Mrs. Stanley - Lindsey Gould

Richard Stanley - Chris Hamilton

June Stanley - Carla Donaghey

Sandy / Convict 2 / Deputy Sheriff - Andrew Doberstein

Dr. Bradley - Michael Ferron

Miss Preen - Carolyn Byrne

Harriet Stanley - Kate Bischoff

John - Max Porter

Sarah - Sarah Ann Adams

Mrs. McCutcheon / Choir Woman - Renee Kimmel

Westcott / Michaelson / Plainclothes Man - Matthew Ballew



Thanks to everyone who came out to audition! Callbacks will be TOMORROW, Thursday 9/10 in the basement of the Psychology Department (64 Cummington Street), 6 - 10 pm. Please come as early as you can.

*If you do not see your name on this list, please do not be discouraged! There are many more opportunities for you and we want you to stay involved. Come to our tech meeting on Friday, September 11th at 7:30 pm in The Space. Also, email Ian Cohen at to get involved with our special projects this semester.

*Please bring tap shoes if you own them, and wear clothes that you can move in.

Luis Arca
Matthew Ballew
Chris Behmke
Tyler Brewer
Jordan Callais
Ian Graff
Steve Marois
Peter Moriarty
Alec Nicholson
Albert Paez
Kevin Parker
Joseph Pratolongo
Alex Schneps
Alex Shuck
Jordan Sobel
Chandler Stephen
Tyler Strickland
Bernardo Vargas

Kara Andrew
Jillian Angelone
Anna Antonova
Agatha Babbitt
Sarah Jill Bashein
Kate Bischoff
Fiona Bryson
Sarah Buchalter
Carolyn Byrne
Daniella Colb
Molly Coyne
Liz Doyle
Kelly Gallagher
Alia Gilbert
Stephanie Gray
Kara Fleishaker
Liz Furze
Liz Harris
Alexandra Head
Natalie Hecker
Olivia Manning
Colleen Martorano
Mia Mulvey
Kristin Myers
Dana Ortiz
Abigail Smith
Nicole Sorice
Vanessa Tanicien
Tara Thompson
Rebbekah Vega Romero
Monique Villalona
Alison Weltman
Leni Zneimer


Adam Lebowitz-Lockard
Alex Schneps
Jordan Callais
Jordan Sobel
Nick Bove
Quincy Wright
Vishaal Reddy
Will Wheeler

Jenny Isakowitz
Kristin Myers
Laura Flanagan
Laura Koleniak
Leni Zneimer
Lindsey Gould
Liz Breen
Maggie Scull
Margot Mache
Mariah Sondergard
Maya Brand
Ramona Ostrowski
Tara Thompson


Adam Lebowitz-Lockard
Alex Schneps
Mat Leonard
Michael Ferron
Liam Wang
Quincy Wright
Travis Cherry
Andrew Smith
Albert Paez
Mathias Goldstein
Will Wheeler
Michael O'Leary
Jordan Sobel
Andrew Doberstein
Hartley Abdekalimi
Max Porter

Alia Gilbert
Caitlin Lesczynski
Mia Mulvey
Laura Koleniak
Agatha Babbitt
Taylor Butzbach
Elizabeth Harris
Elise Roth
Sarah Zlotowitz
Amanda Friedman
Carolyn Byrne

*We will be asking some people to sing. One female role will need to be an actual singer. Males - carry a tune.

Andrew Doberstein
Hartley Abdekalimi
Chris Hamilton
Matthew Ballew
Adam Lebowitz-Lockard
Mat Leonard
Alec Nicholson
David Fontana
Quincy Wright
Andrew Smith
Ian Graff
Alex Schneps
Jordan Sobel
Chandler Stephen
Max Porter
Michael Ferron
Jordan Callais
Michael O'Leary

Renee Kimmel
Alison Weltman
Tania Mesta
Laura Flanagan
Agatha Babbitt
Emily Bosco
Sarah Ann Adams
Carla Donaghey
Kelly Larkin
Yonina Eisenberg
Laura Koleniak
Maggie Scull
Margot Mache
Jenny Isakowitz
Victoria Price
Carolyn Byrne
Ashley Anctil
Taylor Butzbach
Kate Bischoff
Tara Thompson
Lindsey Gould
Bea Wissel


Audition Forms / Directors' Questions

To download the audition form, go here and click on "All Shows." Remember to print one copy for each show. *Beauty and the Beast will require 2 forms.

At the bottom of each form will be a space for Directors' Questions. Here are the questions for this season:

1) Beauty & the Beast is a serious time commitment--which will require rehearsals nearly every day of the week. Are you prepared to take this on?
2) If you know your voice type, please mention it here (tenor, soprano, etc.).
3) What is your vocal training and/or singing background (voice lessons, choirs, etc?)

1) Do you like math? What’s the highest level of math that you’ve taken? (Don’t be intimidated by this, we’re just wondering).
2) What’s the best/worst quality that you inherited from your parents?

1) Do you have any experience with accents? If so, which ones? Would you be willing to work on an accent?
2) Would you be willing to have a small/ensemble role?
3) What does a bridge symbolize or represent to you?

1) Are you willing to sing on stage?
2) Males - Do you play an instrument? If so, what?
3) Are you happy to play a minor role?
4) What is your stripper name?


Troupe's Back!

*ALMOST, MAINE REPRISE: This Friday and Saturday night (9/4 and 9/5) at 8 pm in the
Student Theater at Agganis Arena. There will be two FREE performances of "Almost, Maine," the Stage Troupe summer show that premiered on Wednesday nights as part of Orientation this year. If you didn't get to see the show this summer, COME!

*FIRST GENERAL MEETING: This Sunday, September 6th at 7 pm in CAS 224 (2nd floor). Come meet the executive board and learn about auditions, tech opportunities, and all the awesome upcoming events. The room might get a little crowded, so try to be there on time.


*CFA FALL 2009 AUDITION WORKSHOP: Please join School of Theatre professors Mark Cohen and Ilana Brownstein for an audition workshop -- open to all non-Theatre-majors -- on Friday, Sept 4, at 5p in the CFA 102. This is a great warm-up for SOT and Stage Troupe auditions. Come prepared with a 60-second contemporary monologue if you want the chance to receive one-on-one guidance during the workshop (this is not a requirement).

*CALLING NEW THEATRE MINORS: Leverage your interest in extracurricular theatre into a deeper course of study -- new theatre minors are currently being welcomed into the School of Theatre family. Furthermore, official Theatre Minors are eligible to audition for, and hold artistic/production positions on a variety of School of Theatre shows. Contact Ilana Brownstein ( for more info, or see our webpage, here:

Also, check out other student-run theatre groups on campus:

BU on Broadway -
Shakespeare Society -
Wandering Minds -
Liquid Fun -
Slow Children At Play -


"Almost, Maine"

Our annual summer production premieres tonight! "Almost, Maine" is directed by Adam Lebowitz-Lockard and Ian Cohen, and will be performed for incoming freshmen during Orientation sessions. "What's it about?" you might ask. A brief synopsis taken from

On a cold, clear, moonless Friday night in deepest winter, the northern lights hover over the remote, mythical town of Almost, Maine. All is not what it seems as Almost's residents find themselves falling in and out of love in unexpected, unusual, and often hilarious ways. Knees are bruised. Hearts are broken. And ache is all around as love is--literally--lost, found, and realized. An enchanting midwinter night's dream, Almost, Maine inventively explores the mysteries of the human heart, touching audiences with laughter, heartbreak, and hope.

The show is FREE and there will be 7 performances on Wednesday nights at 8 pm in the Agganis Student Theater:

June 10th, 17th, 24th and July 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th

So if you're in Boston or planning on visiting, come see this show!


Summer Show Cast List

"Almost, Maine" Cast List

Ginette -- Liane Hu
Pete -- Alex Leavitt

Her Heart
Glory -- Natalie Robinson
East -- Quincy Wright

Sad and Glad
Sandrine -- Kim Winnubst
Jimmy -- Chris Carcione
Waitress -- Erica Magelky

This Hurts
Marvalyn -- Carolyn Byrne
Steve -- Tyler Brewer

Getting It Back
Gayle -- Sarah Zlotowitz
Lendell -- Josh Fritz Friedensohn

They Fell
Randy -- Ian Graff
Chad -- Josh Fritz Friedensohn

Where It Went
Marcy -- Carolyn Byrne
Phil -- Ian Graff

Story of Hope
Hope -- Erica Magelky
Daniel -- Chris Carcione

Seeing The Thing
Rhonda -- Kim Winnubst
Dave -- Tyler Brewer
