E-Board Check-ins
chatted with Olivia
sent an email – biggest audience yet
talked to FYSOP programming team
got email about Allocation Board funding
saw First Mates this weekend and loved it
sent in contract for Family BUsiness
sent in paperwork for lightboard to Liv
sent reimbursements to Liv
sent newsletter with F&F TD and SM forms
sent in forms for TD and SM for F&F and Fall mainstage to Melina
Summer Show was great!
Show Check-Ins
First Mates (Summer Show)
Natalie (Co-Director):
Emma had mentioned that the FYSOP show could be Wednesday instead of Thursday. That *should* work for everyone but I would love to have that confirmed on FYSOP’s end before sending out the updated schedule to the team
wants to revisit the idea of having revival on September 9 instead of 10
would like to formally ask everyone about that change as well with E-Board’s permission
Leela (Co-Director):
cast enjoyed last week’s show
Stella (SM):
sent an email yesterday about rehearsal and show times this week
won’t be at this week’s show – needs to find subs for this week
will be at rehearsal Monday
planning cast and crew meetup
Katie (TD):
shows are going well, although a few people were not there this week
Dina and Rayna are stepping into those roles
still looking into anyone who may be interested in taking over TDing for the September shows
Evan (Producer):
continuing to post on First Mates Instagram
recently started to get a few new followers!
FYSOP Performance Date:
August 31 for FYSOP
Stella says it’s okay
Leela says it’s okay too
may move revival show date from September 10 to 9
will make that decision when Natalie is present
Katie won’t be there
Fall CT Applications:
When do we invite Fall CT to E-Board?
will wait for more apps
apps due July 10
invite them first E-Board meeting in August
talk about wish/wants/needs list late July with TD
Summer Show Revival Date:
ask when all of CT is present