Open Board 2/7/21
Preparing for mentee recruitment email
Meeting with Presidents
Gorges Motel Auditions!!!
Ask her for check-in
Got webinar access for tech show
Sent Gorges Motel script to natalie
SAO Training
Tracking the dues
31 people as of now
Looking into ED organization
Met with Isa and Sunny about Already Home
GM recap
Went to SAO training
Emailed Eric
Cast lists
Rehearsal for tech show
Helped Natalie and Sage with cast negotiation
Held Tech GM yesterday
Got an email from Playwrights about a class/lecture
Item #1:
Steve’s Myers Briggs
INFP or INFJ!!!!!
Zach and Rob’s team!!!!!!!!!
Salon for Performance Arts Groups
Talking to SAO about how we’re “pivoting” and adjusting to COVID
This was literally Isa’s idea
She runs SAO
Isa will register for it!!! And will take tons of notes and send them to us
President’s Meeting
Met with WM, SS, OB presidents today!!!
Came up with a plan to continue talking and collaborating
Starting a shared google drive between the four presidents
Cross-promotion - getting the word out about everyone’s shows
Planning to meet once a month / have a summit each semester with all eboards
Keeping lines of comm open, checking in super regularly - standing meeting
Another one in 2 weeks
For all 4 groups to work on together:
Transition of power is where a lot of things get lost
Transition training!!
Pass the baton with information and advice, eliminate any animosity or bad blood; make sure this work doesn’t go to waste
Having a weird year, not able to tell the new boards relevant advice
Sharing handbooks/applicable parts of the handbooks
So we understand all the responsibilities of each role
Onstage intimacy guide for all four groups - consistency
Laying out responsibilities in one, cohesive place
Inter Group Record of Misconduct
Checklist for misconduct
Steps to take once someone is added, how does that get communicated - step by step guide, objective
SARP Training!!!!
But the actual training itself is not great - not really focused on leadership
Potential: write an email to SARP about a leadership focused training
Community Wide Safety Training
What this looks like in the rehearsal room and informal spaces
COVID policies
Physical tech safety policies
BIG GOAL: Creating a big community
Eric’s email about Karl Williams
Formal blog post on the website, then post to facebook or instagram
Skit Rehearsal
All Saturday morning !!
Friday before 10am (minus Isa)
Special guest from Huntington - sound design, audio plays, podcasting
Opening up the class to all interested students
Wednesday, this week 2:15-3:15pm
They gave a poster to share with the membership- Zach forwarded
Check Outs
Signing up for the SAO thing
Presidents shared drive
TA skit rehearsal
Will mail the scripts!!!!!
Changing his office hours
Gonna figure out when to switch & let me know
TA skit rehearsal
ED Read Through
Producing for ED and Already Home
Will work on something for TA event
Post about playwrights
Post about Karl Williams
TA skit rehearsal
Boost about TA event
TA event - saturday 4pm
Keep doing tech show rehearsal
Will post tech lists sometime next week
Will send Kendall Tech Show promo material
Will film things for tech show with Natalie
February is the time of year where we start thinking about calendar for next year - will figure out what that entails