Summer Show: No Exit
- Director: David M.
- Rehearsal on Thursday; Lucy is guest directing
- SM: Ariana T.
- Tried to schedule rehearsal for last week but due to conflicts it got pushed back; scheduled for 8/23
- Tech rehearsals 8/27-28; still pending
F&F: Footloose
- Director: Babatunde A.
- Had regular meetings throughout summer with creative team planning rehearsal schedules, blocking, set design, music, dance, various tech elements, etc.
- Ecstatic to have producers!
- Next full creative team meeting will be held first week of school
- AD: Abbey M.
- Met with Babatunde at least once a week throughout summer to plan and discuss various aspects of the show
- At the last full creative team meeting: discussed auditions and callbacks at length; working with Babatunde to select audition and callback cold read material
- Also planning to touch base with producers in the upcoming weeks
- TD: Jacob T.
- Trying to contact Jeff and Tom to ask about renting equipment from Tsai; also getting quotes form other vendors in Boston
- Decided to forgo bringing on a set designer in the interest of time
- MDs: James R. and Doug B.
- Pit is officially filled after some conflicts
- Making recordings of vocal parts for cast
- First major rehearsal will be a recording session so that cast, pit, and creative team have recordings
- Workin g on rehearsal schedule, re-orchestrations
- Reached out to BU bands to borrow equipment and Tsai staff for equipment info
- Choreographer: Kim Z.
- Met periodically with MDs to talk through the score and note any discrepancies in the music and the choreography plans; also met separately with Babatunde and Abbey to maintain a dialogue between choreography and blocking
- Show is almost entirely choreographed
- Selecting some audition and callback cuts
E-Board Check-Ins:
- President: Alba
- Returned keys to Alicia; contacted Eric about getting new keys
- Took down 3 flats on Tuesday to satisfy safety requirements from fire department
- Settled on GM times with other groups
- VP: Erin
- Made schedule for auditions + booked more rooms; shared schedule with other groups
- Hair rehearsal rooms are booked
- VPSP: Ariana
- Corresponding a lot with Hair creative team; fielding lots of questions
- Reached out to other groups inviting them to COMBAT and sharing COMBAT details
- Thinking of Friday 3/1 for BUT Formal
- Treasurer: Chrissy
- submitting Hair contract
- Finishing up Orgsync work for The Nerd
- Putting out the head producer app for Hair and The Nerd; AP apps will be out in September
- in contact with Footloose producing team; setting up meetings for the beginning of the school year
- updating treasurer guide
- Footloose budget allocation has been sent to Alicia and Jake; will send it to producing team
- Thinking about the ice cream social
- Going to SAO this week for Footloose materials
- Secretary: Kim
- Shared last two Sunday Spotlight posts
- Finished sending outreach emails to other groups; shared Footloose info with those that replied
- Finished new graphic for Facebook
- Talked with potential new members
- Created E-Board SPLASH shirt designs
- TD: Alicia
- Hair and The Nerd directors have gotten preliminary emails outlining the show/tech process
- Updating the Student Theater guide
- Sending Kim TD app soon
- Been talking with James about lighting situation in Student Theater
- Planning Techstravaganza
Other business:
- James R.
- Reached out to Alicia to address the lighting situation in the Student Theater
- Discussed the possibilities of reaching out to maintenance to potentially repair the electrical; organizing and taking inventory of working lights; repairing or replacing existing lights