Show Check-Ins:
- F&F Weekend: Grease
- Director: Ellie
- Auditions were fun! SO MANY talented auditionees, it was hard to narrow down the pool.
- Time management-- it was difficult giving everyone enough time to showcase their talents, but handled as efficiently as possible.
Asst Director: Lara
- Ditto Ellie. Communication was a little tough, especially during callbacks, but was handled.
- TD: Alicia
- Evan gave me keys to the theater and then we cast the show, yay!
- Already in contact with Rishka of BU OBOB.
- Looking at conflicts, lots of people gone on Columbus Day.
- Goal is to be done blocking Act 1 by this weekend.
- Producer: Sam
- Wood order was placed at SAO.
- Got budget from Andy and gave to Alicia.
- Met with HwaYoun for some graphic design work.
- Set up a SnapChat account.
- Working with Ariana and Ellie to schedules times for photoshoots.
- SM: Ariana
- Finalized set design.
- Talked to a lot of prospective technicians at tech meeting.
- Director: Ellie
- Speech and Debate
- Director: Sarah
- Callbacks and auditions went very well (as was evident by the early end time on Thursday).
- A little difficult at first running auditions alone, but having E-Board members send people was helpful. In retrospect, maybe would've left sides in audition room with notes.
- Nerve wracking process, but felt like E-Board was very supportive.
- Had first read through this morning-- new freshmen are "KILLER."
- Director: Sarah
- The Flick
- Director: Lucy
- Auditions and callbacks went very smoothly. E-Board was supportive--brought juice and moral support. Other directors were also helpful and supportive in managing the dropped callbacks and people's conflicts.
- Adores cast.
- First read through is this Wednesday.
- Director: Lucy
E-Board Check-Ins:
- President: Chris
- Auditions went very well, over 100 people auditioned!
- Negotiations were a breeze and there are a lot of excited new members.
- VP: Evan
- Helped facilitate auditions.
- Confirmed Tsai with Andy for F&F.
- VPSP: Abby
- Ice Cream Social is this week-- need to buy the ice cream.
- COMBAT email was sent out to each group.
- Promotional social media posts will start rolling out this week.
- Treasurer: Andy
- Mediating cast lists went remarkably well.
- Submitted reimbursements for Lucy.
- Tie-dye materials acquired.
- There are some creative team members who haven't paid dues.
- Went to a Treasurer training session.
- Secretary: Lucy
- Director hat was on this week because of auditions.
- Answered many, many emails about auditions and the tech meeting.
- Updated 'What's on Stage Next' on the website and the cast lists for each show.
- Will be making Techstravaganza, Ice Cream Social and COMBAT FB cover photos/events this week.
- Will update the website again with full creative teams once list is posted.
- TA: Caitlin
- Also mediated this week-- it was very nice to meet many new people!
- Helped place Grease wood order.
- Producers should have OrgSync access immediately.
- Tech meeting went very well.