First, we would like to THANK EVERYONE who came out and auditioned the past few nights. We were so happy to see all our members, new and old, and were amazed by all the talented individuals we saw! Our CALLBACKS will be occurring SEPTEMBER 12, 2013 from 5-10PM in SOC B57 (the same building/ basement as auditions, on Cummington Street). We ask that you please be prepared to stay until you are dismissed and keep an eye out for e-mails as individual directorial teams will be sending out separate information at their own discretion (don’t worry if you don’t get an e-mail from a director, if you are on the list you have been called back.)
Lastly, PLEASE E-MAIL ANY CONFLICTS you may have with CALLBACKS to ASAP so we can do our best to accommodate any scheduling conflicts that may arise.
Congratulations to all, break legs, and thank you again!
Parents’ Weekend: The Drowsy Chaperone
Jane Kelley
Brittany Jenkins
Zoe Enscoe
Maddie Fuller
Cameron Barney
Ali Edwards
Isabella Walpole
Katy Pizczek
Katie Iafolla
Maddie Dinndorf
Daniella Forero
Karlie Fitzgerald
Abi Oshins
Brittany Kamson
Kelly Duffy
Becky Ittner
Hanna Eichen
Rachel Wein
Cory Morano
Emily Prescott
Roxanne Rittmann
Tori Mueller
Ally Milewich
Joseph Becker
Shane Hennessey
Joe Gambino
David Olson
Ben Moll
Danny Ehrenpreis
Henderson Roman
Matthew Melleby
Matthew Sullivan
Joe McLaughlin
Alice in Wonderland
Jemma Douglas
Kelly Duffy
Isabella Walpole
Ilana Berman
Claire Buesser
Abi Oshins
Athylia Paremski
Sydney Charvat
Brittany Kamson
Hanna Eichen
Ali Edwards
Daniella Seidl
Lindsay Kopit
William Small
Ben Moll
Anthony Maue
Patrick Bryant
Joe Gambino
Jake Delaney
Idine Mousavi
Sydney Charvat
Katie Diekhaus
Rachel Wein
Lexie David
Abi Oshins
Meagan Antonellis
Leah Raczynski
Isabella Walpole
Danyele Homer
Cameron Barney
Ilana Berman
Mariel Hathaway
Cara Dwyer
Jane Kelley
Adaeze Olugbemi
Mariel Kramer
Haley Selarnick
Margo Wilson
Lindsay Kopit
Emily Prescott
Dan Stevens
Ben Moll
Dan Frydman
Joe McLaughlin
Idine Mousavi
Kyle Mitchell
Kyle Tague
Aryeh Harris Shapiro
Abi Oshins
Ali Edwards
Becky Ittner
Brittany Kamson
Cara Dwyer
Giselle Boustani
Ilana Berman
Isabella Walpole
Jane Kelley
Jemma Douglas
Katerina Liu
Kayako Ono
Mariel Hathaway
Rachel Wein
Sydney Charvat
Aryeh Harris- Shapiro
Dan Stevens
Daniel Frydman
Danny Ehrenpreis
David Olson
Idine Mousavi
Jake Delaney
Kyle Tague
Matthew Sullivan
Oliver Sherman
Patrick Bryant
Ryan Chernin