Executive Board Notes 4/17/16

One Acts Check-Ins

  • Director: Brittany
    • Very happy overall
    • One Acts is best when done in the theater
  • Director: Danielle
    • Highly recommends musicals for One Acts
    • MDs should have a separate piano player
    • The Student Theater is thus far the best place for One Acts
    • Actors are people before they’re actors—make sure they are allowed to eat before warm-ups
    • Actors should be respected at warm-ups and shouldn’t be forced to do anything they don’t want to do
  • Director: Karen
    • It was very fun. Everyone seemed to enjoy it.
  • TD: Devika
    • Went really well
    • Left the Space open after strike for American Idiot
    • Left lights, two ladders, gel frames, and wrenches for the people who are in the Student Theater next
    • Suggests getting a new makeup kit (or 2) and new foundation
    • A lot of lights aren’t working and many gel frames are bent/not usable
      • Suggests the next show in the Student Theater should get a bigger lighting budget to fix what’s broken
    • Has space/theater keys and will arrange something with whomever needs to pick them up
  • SM: Alba and Caitlin
    • Felt disrespected by some directors
    • Frustrating to have people argue against inconvenient call times
    • People should commit to tech week as if it were a mainstage
    • Some second-semester seniors checked out and didn’t set a good example
    • Because more people take on unfamiliar tech roles with One Acts, they should communicate more and ask for help when confused
  • Producing: Brittany
    • Had a hard time producing and directing at the same time. Disappointed not to have had more people sign up/participate


E-Board Check-Ins

  • President: Michael
    • Plans to meet with Danielle
    • Should look over contract with new board to recap the year and plan for next
  • VP: Alison
    • Tried to call someone to fix blue lights and slamming door, but got no response; will contact emergency facilities to get it done
  • VPSP: Danny
    • About to order 45 trophy heads for BUSTies, totaling about $130
    • Needs to set a date to make trophies with old/new Board (tentative: Tuesday, 4/26)
    • Will make a Facebook poll to see if the membership is interested in Troupe graduation cords.
    • Canceled SHOWcase due to conflicts and low interest
    • Had a successful roasting workshop and is offering individual meetings for BUSTies roasters
    • The audience really enjoyed One Acts, and the attendance was impressive
    • SAAD committee responses are overdue as of tonight
    • Sent out Nomination Committee poll—due Saturday 4/23
    • Tried to get information about the Summer Show timeline but didn’t get a response. Plans to reach out in-person, or Steve will contact someone
    • We should reserve a room in Photonics for next year’s BUSTies ASAP
  • Treasurer: Brittany
    • Will plan to make a detailed list for future Treasurers about everything they must do for BUSTies
    • Finally got all the Parent’s Weekend money back from SAO
  • Secretary: Karlie
    • In Las Vegas for the week - no check in
  • TA: Jamie
    • Courtney Bayruns sent us an explanation of what’s wrong with the sound board and how to deal with it
    • The dumpster has been reserved for Space Cleaning
    • American Idiot rented a lot of stuff, and they have been great to work with
    • A lot of lights are broken—plans to fix at Space Cleaning
    • Needs to find people to help build for Actively Moving Forward on 4/26
  • Eric
    • It will cost $200 to replace the amp in the theater
  • Paulina and Lauren
    • Got a choreographer for The Addams Family—Daniella Forero
  • Chris
    • Revised the amendment to the constitution according to E-Board’s requests