Stage Troupe - Welcome Back!

Salutations you lovely, lovely Membership, and Welcome Back! I hope all of you moving in are having a good time and enjoying being back on campus! The sweaty times and blue/yellow carts are worth it, truly. Most importantly, I'm sure you're all revved up to catch up with friends and dive head-first into the flurry of student activity, and Stage Troupe is ready too!

We have an enormous number of events to start off the semester! Read on to find out about 'em, and don't forget to mark your calendars!

***Upcoming Events***

September 2nd, 4PM SPLASH (Nickerson Field) SPLASH is BU's back-to-school event featuring hundreds of student activities. Come visit the Troupe booth and help promote the season/the group to the class of 2016 and find out more about everything in store for the semester!

September 9th, 7PM First General Meeting (CAS 224) Our first meeting of the year! Meet the directors of our fall season and find out how to audition or apply for tech positions. We'll also be discussing the various events we have planned for the semester and other ways to get involved with Troupe, so you definitely want to be there. It's the best way to meet the Eboard and the rest of the members too, so don't miss out!

September 10-12, 6-10PM Fall Semester Auditions (Monday & Tuesday in CAS B18A; Wednesday in CAS 312) Auditions will be held for all four mainstage productions this fall. Check out the GM and future emails for more information! Callbacks will be held on September 13th in CAS 312.

September 14, 6:30PM Fall Tech Meeting (The Space) This meeting is for anyone interested in tech positions for this season. You'll be able to find out about the different departments and apply for what you want to work on.

September 18, 6PM Ice Cream Social (BU Central) Meet and greet with new and old members of Troupe and, more importantly, enjoy free ice cream!

***Now here's a reminder of our fantastic fall season...Keep these dates in mind!***

October 19-21 Little Shop of Horrors Music by Alan Menken; Lyrics by Howard Ashman Directed by Allie Romano Assistant Director and Choreographer: Jake Delaney Musical Director: Tanner Knorr

November 1-3 Stop Kiss Written by Diana Son Directed by Celia Gibson

November 15-17 Mr. Marmalade Written by Noah Haidle Directed by Sam Hoffman Assistant Director: Ryan Chernin

November 29-30; December 1 Picasso at the Lapin Agile Written by Steve Martin Directed by Julie Kaminski

***Little Shop of Horrors is seeking MUSICIANS and PUPPETEERS***

Finally, Our Parents' Weekend musical, Little Shop of Horrors, is looking for musicians interested in being a part of the pit orchestra! They need acoustic and electric guitar, bass guitar, keyboard, a pianist, and drum set. If you're interested or know anyone else who might be, contact the music director Tanner Knorr at

Our Technical Advisor Andrew Smith would also like to remind the technicians pool that we will be needing puppeteers to handle our plants for Little Shop this season. It will be a special tech position, so if you secretly handle giant man-eating plants every day or if you're willing to try, keep that in mind as well when you head to the tech meeting!

All right, that's it for now m'dears. You'll be hearing from me again soon with Even More Goodness.

Keep up-to-date with all things Troupe by following our blog ( and our Twitter @StageTroupe, and don't forget to join our Facebook Group!

We're so excited to see everyone! Get ready for another SPECTACULAR season of Troupe!